A follow-up study on the prognosis of chronic hepatitis. Difference between type B and non-B.:Difference between type B and non-B
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Seventy-two chronic hepatitis patients with repeated liver biopsies were studied. In CPH type B, 7 (50%) progressed to CAH, while none of 9 non-B patients progressed. In CAH, 50% of type B and 40% of non-B patients progressed to cirrhosis, but mean periods required for the progression were 44 months and 75 months, and significantly different (p<0.05). In follow-up of 104 cirrhotics, HCC developed in 3 (20%) of type B, 7 (10-9%) of non-B, and 2 (8%) of alcoholic, but the required periods were more or less the same. Non-B chronic hepatitis seems to require longer periods for progression to cirrhosis. than type B, but the difference seems to become smaller with progression of the disease.
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