Hemodynamics of gastric varices. Study by percutaneous transhepatic portography.
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Although bleeeding from gastric varices is said to be less frequent than that from esophageal varices, its hemodynamics have not been clarified yet. The purpose of this article was to analyze hemodynamics of gastric varices by means of percutaneous transhepatic portography which was carried out in 230 patients with gastroesophageal varices.<BR>The incidence of gastric varices was endoscopically 57% of the 230 patients. In patients with remarkable gastric varices, the main variceal supply was the posterior gastric or short gastric vein, while the left gastric vein in those with esophageal varices. Compared to patients with esophageal varices, those with remarkable gastric varices more frequently had a gastro-renal shunt and portal systemic encephalopathy, and showed a lower portal venous pressure.<BR>Thus, there are significant differences of hemodynamics and clinical features between gastric and esophageal varices.
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