清酒醸造における吸着酵素の反応性 : 清酒醸造における酵素バランスについて(第5報)
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As reported previously, considerable amounts of Asper gillus oryzae-α-amylase and Asp. niger-glucamylase added to sake mash are adsorbed on steamed rice under certain conditions. The above adsorption phenomenon was observed in the early stage of sake mash and was supposd to have an important effect on the digestion of steamed rice in that stage. It was found taht adsorbed α-amylase was quite inactive in attacking the steamed rice on which the enzyme had been adsorbed. Such an adsorption was named "ineffective adsorption." In this report, we investigate the reactivity of the above adsorbed amylase upon dissolved substrates. As a result, it was shown that α-amylase in that state of adsorption could hydrolyze a liquid phase-substrate such as soluble starch.Similar phenomena were observed with glucamylase, which could hydrolyze maltose and α-amylase hydrolyzates in the adsorbed state, but could hardly attack steame rice on which glucamylase had been adsorbed at all. Therefore free (unadsorbed) amylases were necessary for digesting starch in steamed rice.Then, we attempted to formulate the reaction rate relationships for the α-amylase action on steamed rice when "ineffective adsorption" occurred. An equation was reduced that was considered to be adequate to represent the rate of formation of soluble digests under several specified conditions.Finally, we observed the product inhibition of α-amylase action under conditions similar to those of sake mash.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1973-05-25
三吉 和重
照井 堯造
照井 堯造
照井 堯造
大阪大学工学部 醗酵工学教室
照井 尭造
照井 堯造
照井 尭造
大阪大学工学部 醗酵工学教室
三吉 和重
照井 堯造
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