Refolding of Denatured/Reduced Lysozyme at High Concentration with Diafiltration
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Refolding of reduced and denatured protein in vitro has been an important issue for both basic research and applied biotechnology. Refolding at low protein concentration requires large volumes of refolding buffer. Among various refolding methods, diafiltration is very useful to control the denaturant and red/ox reagents in a refolding solution. We constructed a refolding procedure of high lysozyme concentration (0.5-10mg/ml) based on the linear reduction of the urea concentration during diafiltration under oxygen pressure. When the urea concentration in the refolding vessel was decreased from 4M with a rate of 0.167M/h, the refolding yields were 85% and 63% at protein concentrations, 5mg/ml and 10mg/ml, respectively, after 11h. This method gave a high productivity of 40.1μm/h of the refolding lysozyme. The change in refolding yields during the diafiltration could be simulated using the model of Hevehan and Clark.
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
- 2000-06-23
吉井 英文
鳥取大学大学院工学研究科 化学・生物応用工学専攻
Linko P
Department Of Chemical Technology Helsinki University Of Technology
Linko Yu-yen
Department Of Chemical Technology Helsinki University Of Technology
ITO Daisuke
Department of Surgery and Surgical Basic Science, Kyoto University
Furuta Takeshi
Tottori University
YOSHII Hidefumi
Department of Biotechnology, Tottori University
FURUTA Takeshi
Department of Biotechnology, Tottori University
Department of Chemical Technology, Helsinki University of Technology
Department of Biotechnology, Tottori University
Department of Biotechnology, Tottori University
Yoshii H
Tottori University
Yoshii H
Tottori Univ. Tottori Jpn
Yoshii H
Toyama National Coll. Technol. Toyama Jpn
Yoshii Hidefumi
Department Of Biochemical Engineering Toyama National College Of Technology
Furuta T
Tottori University
Furuta Takeshi
Department Of Biotechnology Faculty Of Engineering Tottori University
Ito D
Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka Prefecture University Department Of Applied Materials Science
Linko Pekka
Department Of Chemical Technology Helsinki University Of Technology
Yoshii Hidefumi
Department Of Applied Biological Science Kagawa University
Yonehara Takehiro
Department Of Biotechnology Tottori University
Ito Daisuke
Department Of Mechanical Science And Engineering Nagoya University
Ito Daisuke
Department Of Applied Materials Science. Graduate School Of Eneineerine. Osaka Prefecture University
Ito Daisuke
Department Of Advanced Bioscience Faculty Of Agriculture Kinki University
ITO Daisuke
Department of Biotechnology, Tottori University
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