Textural Evaluation of Rice Cake by Chewing and Swallowing Measurements on Human Subjects
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The difficulty in masticating and swallowing rice cake was quantified. Healthy subjects ate pieces of rice cake (9 g and 3 g) and a modified product (9 g). We used electromyography to measure the activity of the jaw-closing and -opening muscles during chewing, as well as the suprahyoid muscle activity, laryngeal movement, and sound during swallowing. The smaller the rice cake, the shorter the mastication time, the fewer the number of chews, and the less the jaw-closing muscle activity. A modified rice cake product (9 g) was consumed with less mastication effort than the standard rice cake (9 g) and with the same effort as the standard (3 g). Both the sample amount and texture influenced mastication, although neither factor caused a significant difference in swallowing characteristics. These observations suggest that swallowing was induced when the bolus properties became suitable for swallowing, as healthy subjects could adjust their mastication technique according to the food amount and texture.
- 社団法人 日本農芸化学会の論文
- 2007-02-23
National Food Research Institute
National Food Research Institute
神山 かおる
National Food Research Institute, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
神山 かおる
神山 かおる
独立行政法人農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構 食品総合研究所
神山 かおる
神山 かおる
Sasaki Tomoko
National Food Res. Inst. National Agriculture And Food Res. Organization
Kohyama Kaoru
National Agriculture And Food Res. Organization Ibaraki Jpn
Kohyama Kaoru
Food Physics Laboratory National Food Research Institute
神山 かおる
Sawada Hiroko
National Food Research Institute
Nonaka Miho
National Food Research Institute
KOBORI Chiharu
National Food Research Institute
Kobori Chiharu
National Food Res. Inst.
Hayakawa Fumiyo
National Food Res. Inst. Ibaraki Jpn
Sasaki Tomoko
National Food Research Institute National Agriculture And Food Research Organization
Kohyama Kaoru
Food Physics Laboratory National Food Research Institute National Agriculture And Food Research Orga
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