In-Diffusion and Annealing Processes of Substitutional Nickel Atoms in Dislocation-Free Silicon
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Published by the Japan Society of Applied Physics through the Institute of Pure and Applied Physicsの論文
- 2001-05-01
Department of Nanomechanics, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
Ikari T
Miyazaki Univ. Miyazaki Jpn
Ikari Tetsuo
Department Of Electronic Engineering Miyazaki University
Ikari Tetsuo
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering Miyazaki University
Ikari Tetsuo
Department Of Electrical And Electronic Engineering University Of Miyazaki
Ikari Tetsuo
Faculty Of Engineering University Of Miyazaki
Tanaka Shuji
Deportment Of Information Electronics Fukuoka Institute Of Technology
Tanaka S
Fukuoka Inst. Technol. Fukuoka Jpn
Department of Electronic Materials Engineering, Fukuoka Institute of Technology
Kitagawa H
Canon Inc. Utsunomiya Jpn
Kitagawa Hajime
Deportment Of Information Electronics Fukuoka Institute Of Technology
Kitagawa Hajime
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu University
Tanaka Shuji
Department Of Nanomechanics Tohoku University
Tanaka S
High Energy Accelerator Res. Organization (kek)
Tanaka Shuji
Department Of Information Electronics Faculty Of Engineering Fukuoka Institute Of Technology
Tanaka Shuji
Department Of Electronics Faculty Of Engineering Fukuoka Institute Of Technology
Kitagawa Hajime
Department Of Electronics Fukuoka Institute Of Technology
Tanaka Shuji
Department Of Electronics Fukuoka Institute Of Technology
Tanaka Shuji
Department of Electronic Materials Engineering, Fukuoka Institute of Technology,
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University
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