Diazepam binding inhibitor (DBI) gene expression in the brains of socially isolated and group-housed mice
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1999-04-14
Tohda Michihisa
和漢医薬学総合研究所 複合薬物薬理学分野
Tohda Michihisa
Department Of Pharmacology Institute Of Natural Medicine Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical Universit
渡辺 裕司
International Research Center For Traditional Medicine Toyama Prefecture International Health Comple
Watanabe Hiroshi
Department of Cardiology, Niigata City General Hospital
Department of Pharmacology, Institute of Natural Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical Univers
Tohda Michihisa
Department Of Pharmacology Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Hokkaido University
Matsumoto Kinzo
Div. Of Medicinal Pharmacology Inst. Of Natural Medicine Univ. Of Toyama
Matsumoto Kinzo
Department Of Pharmacology Institute Of Natural Medicine:21st Century Coe Program Toyama Medical And
Department of Pharmacology, Research Institute for Wakan-Yaku (Oriental Medicines), Toyama Medical a
KANEKO Yoshihiko
Department of Pharmacology, Research Institute for Wakan-Yaku (Oriental Medicines), Toyama Medical a
Matsumoto K
Div. Of Medicinal Pharmacology Inst. Of Natural Medicine Univ. Of Toyama
Matsumoto Kinzo
富山大学和漢医薬学総合研究所 複合薬物薬理学
Dong Erbo
Department Of Pharmacology Research Institute For Wakan-yaku (oriental Medicines) Toyama Medical And
Kaneko Yoshihiko
Department Of Pharmacology Research Institute For Wakan-yaku (oriental Medicines) Toyama Medical And
Watanabe H
Division Of Medicinal Pharmacology Institute Of Natural Medicine University Of Toyama
Watanabe Hiroshi
Department Of Applied Chemistry And Bioengineering Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka City Univers
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- Paeoniflorin, a Major Constituent of Peony Root, Reverses Muscarinic M_1-Receptor Antagonist-Induced Suppression of Long-Term Potentiation in the Rat Hippocampal Slice
- Diazepam binding inhibitor (DBI) gene expression in the brains of socially isolated and group-housed mice
- GTS-21, a Nicotinic Agonist, Attenuates Multiple Infarctions and Cognitive Deficit Caused by Permanent Occlusion of Bilateral Common Carotid Arteries in Rats
- Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion-Induced Neuropathological Changes in Rats
- Tacrine Improves Working Memory Deficit Caused by Permanent Occlusion of Bilateral Common Carotid Arteries in Rats
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- Influence of Chronic Treatment With Imipramine on mRNA Levels in Rat Brain : Elevation of Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate Dehydrogenase Levels
- Enhancement of Serotonin 2C Receptor mRNA Expression by Antidepressants Possessing the Receptor-Blocking Activity in the Rat Brain
- Molecular Cloning and Characterization of a Novel Sequence, vof-16, with Enhanced Expression in Permanent Ischemic Rat Brain(Pharmacology)
- Influence of Aging on Rolipram-Sensitive Phosphodiesterase Activity and [^3H] Rolipram Binding in the Rat Brain
- In Vitro Antioxidant Activity of Vietnamese Ginseng Saponin and Its Components
- The Possible Involvement of GABA_A Systems in the Antinarcotic Effect of Majonoside-R2, a Major Constituent of Vietnamese Ginseng, in Mice
- P-64 Type II コラーゲン誘導性関節炎に対する「補中益気湯」の有効性と免疫調節作用の検討
- P-19 長期隔離飼育マウスのペントバルビタール誘発睡眠と闘争行動に対する四物湯及びその構成生薬の作用
- 慢性脳循環障害モデルとしての両側総頸動脈永久結紮ラットの有用性
- The mRNA Expression of Serotonin 2C Subtype Receptors Uncoupled With Inositol Hydrolysis in NG108-15 Cells
- 29G-03 抗コリン薬 scopolamine によるラット海馬長期増強現象の抑制とそれに対する芍薬成分 paeoniflorin の効果
- P-41 マウス肝及び脳ホモジェネートの脂質過酸化反応に対するベトナム人参サポニン画分及びその成分の影響
- Studies on the Activation Mechanisms of Guanylyl Cyclase by Serotonin, Probably through a Novel Subtype of Serotonin Receptor (5-HT_)
- P-21 フラボノイドの一種 Eupafolin の一般薬理ならびに生化学的薬理作用の研究
- 心理的ストレス負荷マウスにおける脳内脂質過酸化反応 : 一酸化窒素の関与及びGABA_A-ベンゾジアゼピン受容体系による修飾
- P-20 白血球及びマクロファージの貪食活性に及ぼすベトナム人参の影響
- P-18 慢性脳虚血ラットの学習行動障害に対する四物湯の影響
- II-A-9 ラットのスコポラミン誘発性空間認知障害に対する芍薬中のペオニフロリン関連成分の作用
- Antinociceptive and Antipyretic Effects of Alkaloids Extracted from the Stem Bark of Hunteria zeylanica
- P-8 芍薬成分 paeoniflorin の中枢作用に関する実験薬理学的研究
- Facilitatory and Inhibitory Effects of Harmaline on the Tryptophan- Induced 5-Hydroxytryptamine Syndrome and Body Temperature Changes in Pargyline-Pretreated Rats
- II-A-7 芍薬配糖体分画のスコポラミン誘発性空間認知障害に対する改善作用
- P-7 芍薬成分 paeoniflorin の記憶学習障害に対する改善作用
- 108) 黄〓エキス並びに黄〓関連フラボノイドの神経細胞受容体 : アデニル酸シクラーゼ系への作用
- Neuropharmacological Actions of Pluchea indica LESS Root Extract in Socially Isolated Mice
- Serotonin 2C Receptor (5-HT2CR) mRNA Editing-Induced Down-Regulation of 5-HT2CR Function in Xenopus Oocytes : the Significance of Site C Editing
- P-50 補中益気湯によるセロトニン 2C mRNA 発現促進作用
- 抗うつ薬連投によるセロトニン2C受容体mRNA発現
- P-E-2 フラボノイドの薬理作用、特に細胞情報伝達系への作用
- 富山医科薬科大学和漢薬研究所生物試験部門