- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper reports the usefulness of film package aiming at a simple and convenient CA storage effect for several vegetables and fruits.<BR>Spinach, chrysanthemum coronarium, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, carrot and Japanese radish were stored at 15°C, and also pear was stored at 20°C, and peach and grape were stored at 1°C. The spinach which was stored in perforated polyethylene bag with bagasse sheet (40×30cm, 0.5cm thickness) for 7 days remained better quality than that of others. When chrysanthemum coronarium was packed in non-perforated polyethylene bag with bagasse sheet for 7 days, good quality was kept relatively to other treatments. As to cabbage, when it was stored for 14 days in both non-perforated and perforated polyethylene bags, little brown spots and yellowing appeared on the outer leaves, while the inner leaves remained sound and marketable quality. Chinese cabbage was injured severely on the outer leaves after storage for 14 days, compared with the cabbage. Especially, the damage was remarkable in perforated polyethylene bag with bagasse sheet. Carrot which was stored for 14 days decayed partially at the base of leaves in all treatments. However, the green color of the leaves was kept in non-perforated polyethylene bag slightly better than in perforated bag. After 14 days of storage of Japanese radish, the defect of the leaves was observed in all packages, and pores developed in the roots, especially in perforated package. But any pore was not found in roots of non-perforated package.<BR>"Bartlett" pear was stored in packages of various conditions at 20°C for 15 days, and then opened to let ripe at the same temperature. After unpackaging, the fruits from polyethylene package ripened normally, but the fruits from canz package did not turn yellow, and showed water-soaked appearance and browning in the flesh. "Okubo" peach was stored in various package conditions at 1°C. The softening was retarded in the fruits which were packed in non-perforated polyethylene bag or in canz film bag for 29 days. When all the fruits were stored for one more month, those in non-perforated polyethylene bag kept good quality but those in canz film had deteriorated due to a physiological injury. As to "Berry A" grape which was stored for 30 days at 1°C, the fruits in non-perforated polyethylene bag with bagasse sheet kept better quality, compared with others.
- 日本食品保蔵科学会の論文
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- バナナの果皮にみられる褐色斑点の研究
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- Modified Atmosphere Packaging of Immature Black Soybeans(Blycine Max Merr. 'Tamba kuro') Served as a Vegetable Snack.
- Keeping quality of green leaves of perilla (Perilla ocymoides L.) and flower buds of mioga (Zingiber mioga Rosc.).
- タイトル無し
- Pathway of Ethylene Production in Harvested Broccoil.
- Effect of packaging with polyethylene film on quality of Ta-sai (Brassica narinosa L.H. Bail.) during storage.