Chemical fate and changes in mutagenic activity of antibiotics nitrofurazone and furazolidone during aqueous chlorination
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Reactions of nitrofuran antibiotics (nitrofurazone (NFZ) and frazolidone (FZD)) with hypochlorite in aqueous solution were investigated under the conditions that simulate wastewater disinfection. The chlorination byproducts were determined by high performance liquid chromatography. At the levels of 5μM, NFZ reacted rapidly with free chlorine in neutral pH (7.0), while the FZD-hypochlorite reaction was reasonably slow under the same pH. Nevertheless, the strong mutagenic parents disappeared completely after the hypochlorite reactions, and the chlorination byproducts were observed to exert a weak mutagenic effect on Salmonella typhimurium TA100 without S9-mix. The extent of the reactions depended on the chlorine dose, solution pH and compound structures.
- 日本トキシコロジー学会の論文
- 2008-12-01
Kawakami Tsuyoshi
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokyo University of Science
Takahashi Yasuo
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokyo University of Science
Onodera Sukeo
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokyo University of Science
Onodera S
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tokyo University Of Science
Onodera Sukeo
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Science Science University Of Tokyo
Onodera Sukeo
Department Of Hygiene Chemistry Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Science University Of Tokyo
Nakamura Hitomi
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokyo University of Science
Niino Tatsuhiro
Mitsubishi Chemical Safety Institute Ltd.
Kawakami Tsuyoshi
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tokyo University Of Science
Takahashi Yasuo
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Mukogawa Women's University
Nakamura Hitomi
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tokyo University Of Science
Takahashi Yasuo
Tokyo Metropolitan Research Laboratory of Public Health
Takahashi Yasuo
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Tokyo University Of Science
Nakamura Hitomi
Faculty Of Agriculture Kochi University
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