Phase Diagram and Crystal Growth of NdBa_2Cu_3O_<7-y>
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1989-02-20
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Murata Keizo
Osaka City University
UNOKI Hiromi
Electrorechnical Laboratory
Unoki H
Electrotechnical Lab. Ibaraki
Unoki H
Superconductivity Research Laboratory
Unoki Hiromi
Electotechnical Laboratory
OKA Kunihiko
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Murata Kazuhiro
Department Of Physics Division Of Material Science Nagoya University
Murata K
Tokyo Medical And Dental Univ. Tokyo Jpn
Murata Keizo
Electorotechnical Laboratory
NISIHARA Yoshikazu
Tsukuba Reserch Center,SANYO Co.Ltd.,
Maruyama Kenji
Faculty Of Science Niigata University
Nishihara Y
Electrotechnical Lab. Tsukuba
Saito M
Tanaka Kikinzoku Kogyo Kk Kanagawa Jpn
SAITO Masatoshi
Electrotechnical Laboratory
ITO Masahiro
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Nakane Kenji
Electrotechnical Laboratory:(present Address) Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd.
Oka Kunihiko
Electotechnical Laboratory
Nakane K
Industrial Electronnics & Systems Development Laboratory Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
Ito Masahiro
Electrotechnical Laboratory:(present Address) Sumitomo Metal Mining Co. Ltd.
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- Itinerant Electron Ferromagnetism in Y_2Ni_7 and Mossbauer Effect of ^Fe Doped in Y_2Ni_7
- Wavelength Dependence of Magneto-Optical Kerr Rotation in Co/Cu,Fe/Cu,Co/Au and Fe/Au Compositionally Modulated Multilayered Films
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- Magnetic Properties of the (Sc_Ti_x) Fe_2 System Having Two Magnetic States with Different Degrees of Localization
- Magnetic Phase Transitions in Itinerant Electron Magnets Hf_Ta_xFe_2
- Pressure Induced Phase Transition of Ferromagnetic Hf_Ta_Fe_2