Simple Preparation of Catechol Estrogen and Its Derivatives
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1972-08-25
吉沢 逸雄
田村 美穂子
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Setsunan University
木村 道也
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University
田村 美穂子
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Setsunan University
木村 道也
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Hokkaido University
吉沢 逸雄
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University
- ステロイドの臨床分析(第2報)尿中プレグナンジオールの熱酸加水分解と分解について
- D環抱合型エストロゲンの高速液体クロマトグラフィーによる一斉分離検出 ( バイオサイエンスと分析化学)
- On the Inhibitory Effect of C_-Sulfoconjugated Catechol Estrogens upon Lipid Peroxidation of Rat Liver Microsomes
- Evidence of Conversion of Estradiol 17-Sulfate to Its 2- and 4-Hydroxylated Catechols by Human Placental Microsomes
- 可溶性アルギン酸ナトリウムのコレステロール, Trp-P-1及びアフラトキシンB_1のラットでの排泄に及ぼす影響
- 抱合型薬物の代謝研究(第3報)3-デオキシエストラジオール17-サルフェートその3そのラット肝ミクロゾームによる代謝
- 抱合型薬物の代謝研究(第2報)3-デオキシエストラジオール17-サルフェートその2その可能な代謝物の高速液体クロマトグラフィーによる定量法の確立
- 抱合型薬物の代謝研究(第1報)3-デオキシエストラジオール17-サルフェートの可能な代謝産物の合成
- テストステロンサルフェートの酵素的芳香環化反応の簡便な測定法(超微量分析のための前処理と予備濃縮)
- Synthesis and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography of 3,4-Guaiacol Estrogen 17-Sulfates
- Evidence for 4-Hydroxylation of Estradiol 17-Sulfate by Rat Liver Microsomes (Clinical Analysis on Steroids. XXIX)
- Preparation of Specific Antiserum to Estradiol 17-Sulfate (Clinical Analysis on Steroids. XXVIII)
- Preparation and High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Guaiacol Estrogen 17β-Conjugates : The Enzymatic O-Methylation Products of 2-Hydroxyestradiol 17β-Conjugates (Clinical Analysis on Steroids. XXII)
- A-36 1 年生を対象とした「早期体験のための病院薬局実地研修」終了後の学生の意識調査
- グアヤコールエストロジェン類の薄層クロマトグラフィーによる分離定量
- Synthesis of Fluorine Analogues of Vitamin E. II. : Synthesis of 2-(3-Chloropropyl)-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-6-chromanol and Its Application for Stereocontrolled Witting Reaction with Trifluoromethyl Ketones
- Synthesis of Fluorine Analogues of Vitamin E
- On the Mechanism of Oxygenation of Olefins by Tetraphenyl-porphinatoiron(III)-Peroxide Systems(Organic,Chemical)
- Mechanism of the Color Reaction of Deoxycorticosterone with Sulfuric Acid
- On the Mode of Epoxidation by the Tetraphenylporphinatoiron (III)-Iodosylbenzene System
- On the Mechanism of Color and Fluorescence Reaction of 17α-Hydroxyprogesterone with Sulfuric Acid
- D-Homoannulation in the Color and Fluorescence Reaction of 17α-Hydroxyprogesterone with Sulfuric Acid
- Color and Fluorescence Reaction Mechanism of Progesterone with Sulfuric Acid
- Iron-catalyzed Autoxidation of Liposomal Cholesterol
- On the Mode of Oxygenation with the Ferric Perchlorate-Hydrogen Peroxide System
- On the Oxygenation of Several Aromatic and Aliphatic Compounds with Aqueous Ferrous Ion-molecular Oxygen
- Further Studies on the Mechanism of the Color and Fluorescence Reaction of Testosterone with Sulfuric Acid
- Iron-catalyzed Autoxidation of Cholesterol in the Presence of Unsaturated Long-chain Fatty Acid
- ^1H- and ^C-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra of Testosterone and 17β-Hydroxyandrosta-4,6-dien-3-one in Sulfuric Acid
- Oxy-functionalization of Adamantane-1-acetic Acid and Adamantane-1-carboxylic Acid by the Ferrous Iron-Molecular Oxygen System in Aqueous Solution
- 2,3-ナフタレンジカルバルデヒドを用いるアルギニンの特異的けい光光度定量法
- 不飽和ケトステロイドの硫酸中のNMRスペクトル
- p-ヒドロキノン-硫酸によるエストロゲンのけい光分析
- Chromogenic Reactions of Steroids with Strong Acids. XI. Mechanism of Chromogenic Reaction of Testosterone with Sulfuric Acid
- Chromogenic Reactions of Steroids with Strong Acids. IX. Behavior of Estrone Methyl Ether in Concentrated Sulfuric Acid
- Chromogenic Reactions of Steroids with Strong Acids. VIII. Mechanism of the First Stage in the Kober Reaction
- 硫酸抱合型カテコールエストロゲンによる妊娠中毒症血管内皮障害防御と治療についての基礎的検討(一般演題:ポスター)
- Ferric Ion Catalyzed Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide in Acetonitrile-Water Mediums
- Metal Ion Catalyzed Oxidation of Steroids. II. Oxidation of Cholesterol by Fenton's Reagent in Acetic Acid Solution
- On the Rearrangement Reactions of Pregnanediol Disulfate to Δ^-Steroid, and Its 20-Isomeric Sulfate to D-Homosteroids : Clinical Analysis on Steroids. XLII
- 5β-Pregn-20-en-3α-olのリトコール酸からの合成
- 5β-Pregnane-3α, 20β-diol Disulfateの3N塩酸煮沸による分解について : ステロイドの臨床分析(第26報)
- Mechanism of the D-Homoannulation of Pregnanediol Disulfate in Refluxing 3N Hydrochloric Acid
- Isolation and Structural Elucidation of the Degradation Products of Pregnanediol Disulfate obtained by Hot Acid Hydrolysis (Clinical Analysis on Steroids. XXI)
- ステロイドの臨床分析(第16報)プレグナンジオール硫酸抱合体の合成
- Radioimmunoassay of Pregnanediol
- プレグナンジオールのラジオイムのアッセイに必要なハプテン : 3α, 20α-ジヒドロキシ-5β-プレグナン-7-オンO-カルボキシメチルオキシムの合成
- The Rearranged Product of Pregnanediol 20-Sulfate by Hot Acid Hydrolysis
- On the Acid-Catalyzed D-Homoannulation of Pregnanetriol 20-Sulfate and Its C-20 Isomeric Sulfate
- ステロイドの臨床分析(第14報)2-ヒドロキシエストラジオール17β抱合体の合成
- 2-ヒドロキシ-3-デオキシエストラジオール-6,7-^3Hのラットにおける代謝
- Synthesis of 2,3,17 β-Trihydroxyestra-1,3,5 (10)-trien-6-one and Its Related Compounds
- エストロン-6,7-^3Hのモルモットのおける代謝
- Janovsky Reaction of Nitropyridines. II. Preparation of 5-Nitronicotinic Acid and its Related Compounds
- Synthesis of Fluorine Analogs of Vitamin E. III. Synthesis of 2-[4,8-Dimethyl-12-(trifluoromethyl)tridecyl]-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-6-chromanol and 2-[4,12-Dimethyl-8-(trifluoromethyl)tridecyl]-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-6-chromanol
- Autoxidation of Nor- and Tauro-deoxycholic Acids in the Presence of Ferrous Ions
- Optical Rotatory Dispersions of β-Hydroxylated 5β-Spirostanones
- Metal Ion Catalized Oxidation of Steroids. I. 15α-Hydroxylation of Deoxycholic Acid in Aqueous Solution by Ferrous Ion-Molecular Oxygen System
- ステロイドの臨床分析(第18報)6,17-Dioxo-catechol Estrogenおよびその関連化合物の合成
- 鈴蘭成分の研究(第14報)チミジンの単離
- A New Product of Cholesterol by Metal-free Autoxidation in Aqueous Dispersion
- Metal Ion Catalyzed Oxidation of Steroids. III. Reactions of Cholesterol with Ferrous Ions- and Titanous Ions-Hydrogen Peroxide Systems in Acetonitrile
- 不飽和ケトステロイドの硫酸中の^C-核磁気共鳴スペクトル
- Chromogenic Reactions of Steroids with Strong Acids. VII. Reactions of A-Aromatic Steroids with Concentrated Sulfuric Acid
- Chromogenic Reactions of Steroids with Strong Acids. VI. Behavior of Phenolic Steroids in Concentrated Sulfuric Acids
- Chromogenic Reactions of Steroids with Strong Acids. V. Products in the Kober Reaction of Steroidal Estrogens
- Chromogenic Reactions of Steroids with Strong Acids. IV. Specificity of the Kober Reaction
- Reactions of Phenolic Steroids with Concentrated Sulphuric Acid
- Chromogenic Reactions of Testosterone with Strong Acids
- Migration of Deuterium to C-20 in the Rearrangement Reaction of 17α-Deuterated 5α-Pregnane-3α, 20α-diol Disulfate by Hot Acid Hydrolysis to 17α-Ethyl-17β-methyl-5α-androst-13 (14)-en-3α-ol
- On the Structure of the Hot Acid Hydrolysis Products of 3α, 20α-Disulpho-oxy-5α-pregnane
- Chromogenic Reactions of Steroids with Strong Acids. X. Behavior of Testosterone in Concentrated Sulfuric Acid
- Chromogenic Reactions of Steroids with Strong Acids. III. Comparative Study on the Reactions initiated by Brφnsted and Lewis Acids for the Chemical Analysis of Testosterone
- Chromogenic Reactions of Steroids with Strong Acids. II. On the Kagi-Miescher Reaction of Epitestosterone
- Chromogenic Reactions of Steroids with Strong Acids. I. On the Reaction of Testosterone with Perchloric Acid
- Fundamental Studies on Clinical Chemistry. VIII. A New Method for the Colorimetric Determination of Urinary Creatinine with 2,2', 4,4'-Tetranitrobiphenyl
- Fundamental Studies on Clinical Chemistry. VII. Janovsky Reaction of Polynitrodiphenyl Compounds
- A New Reductone derived from D-Gluculonolactone by Alkali. II. Further Studies on the Properties of the Reductone
- A New Reductone derived from D-Glucuronolactone by Alkali. I. Isolation of 3-Keto-4,5-dideoxy-trans-4,5-dehydro-glucuronic Acid
- 2-ヒドロキシエストラ-1,3,5(10)-トリエン-17β-オール[6,7-^3H]の合成
- 女性化乳房を引き起こす薬とそのメカニズム
- Autoxidation of Cholesterol and Behavior of Its Hydroperoxide in Aqueous Medium
- Autoxidation of Taurocholanic Acid in Aqueous Solution of Ferrous Ions
- Autoxidation of Cholesterol in Aqueous Colloidal Dispersions with Different Detergents
- Autoxidation of Cholanic Acid in the Presence of Ferrous Ions
- Simple Preparation of Catechol Estrogen and Its Derivatives
- Constituents of Convallaria. X. Structures of Convallasaponin-A, -B, and Their Glucosides
- ジラール試薬Pを用いる6-オキソエストラジオールの単離精製法
- Studies on the Reaction between Polynitrobenzene Compounds and Active Methylene Groups. VII. On the Colored Substances of the Janovsky and the Zimmermann Reactions
- 北海道における薬学教育の歴史
- 大学設置基準・化学教育・分析化学実験
- Specific Antiserum to 2-Hydroxyestradiol 17-Sulfate : Clinical Analysis on Steroids. XXX
- 放射性2-ヒドロキシエストロン(6,7-^3H)の簡単な合成法
- 肝疾患におけるglycocholate負荷試験に関する研究
- 血中ursodeoxycholic acidのradioimmunoassay
- 血中ursodeoxycholic acidのradioimmunoassay法による測定法の開発と確立に関する研究
- 血清中胆汁酸の酵素免疫学的測定法
- 血中胆汁酸の酵素免疫学的測定法(速報)
- Sepamtion and Estimation of Guaiacol Estrogens by High Performance Liquid Chmmatography
- Determination of Urinary Estradiol 17-Sulfate During Pregnancy by a Radioimmunoassay