Isolation and Characterization of Leupeptins produced by Actinomycetes
- 論文の詳細を見る
Leupeptins which have anti-plasmin activity and inhibit trypsin, papain and blood coagulation have been obtained from cultured broths of various species of Actinomycetes. Two leupeptins which were leupeptins Pr (C_<21>H_<40>O_4N_6) and Ac (C_<20>H_<38>O_4N_6) were isolated and characterized. They gave their di-n-butyl acetals, dihydroleupeptins and leupeptin acids. Physical and chemical properties of these leupeptins and their derivatives were described.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1969-09-25
竹内 富雄
浜田 雅
梅沢 浜夫
竹内 富雄
Institute of Microbial Chemistry
近藤 信一
Institute of Microbial Chemistry
浜田 雅
Institute of Microbial Chemistry
岩永 順子
Institute Of Microbial Chemistry
青柳 高明
Institute of Microbial Chemistry
梅沢 浜夫
Institute of Microbial Chemistry
近藤 信一
前田 謙二
川村 研治
Institute of Microbial Chemistry
前田 謙二
Institute of Microbial Chemistry
青柳 高明
Department of Hygienic Chemistry, Showa College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
青柳 高明
Department Of Hygienic Chemistry Showa College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
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