Application of Dibutyltin Oxide Method to Regioselective Acylation and Alkylation of Tylosin at C-4"
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4"-O-Acyl-, 4"-O-alkyl- and 4"-deoxy-tylosin derivatives were synthesized using 2'-O-acetyl-3", 4"-O-(dibutyl-stannio)tylosin as a synthetic intermediate. The in vitro biological evaluation showed that the new derivatives were active against macrolide-resistant clinical isolates of bacteria and mycoplasmas, and that they were resistant to hepatic esterase.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1989-04-25
長縄 博
竹内 富雄
沢 力
竹内 富雄
Institute of Microbial Chemistry
坂本 道子
MERCIAN Corporation, Central Research Laboratories
石倉 知之
MERCIAN Corporation, Central Research Laboratories
石倉 知之
Mercian Corporation Central Research Laboratories
吉岡 武男
深川 泰男
Mercian Corporation Central Research Laboratories:(present Address)bristol-meyers Research Institute
坂本 道子
Mercian Corporation Central Research Laboratories
長縄 博
清島 講紀
Sanraku Inc., Central Research Laboratories
坂本 道子
Sanraku Inc., Central Research Laboratories
石倉 知之
Sanraku Inc., Central Research Laboratories
深川 泰男
Sanraku Inc., Central Research Laboratories
吉岡 武男
Sanraku Inc., Central Research Laboratories
長縄 博
Institute of Microbial Chemistry
沢 力
Institute of Microbial Chemistry
清島 講紀
Sanraku Inc. Central Research Laboratories
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