魚肉だんごの素材になるすり身の品質制御 : 低温貯蔵中の品質劣化に対する食塩の抑制効果
- 論文の詳細を見る
Content of total nucleotides such as ATP, ADP, AMP and IMP in fresh meat of Sillago japonica was 7.9μmol/g and IMP accounted for more than 90% of the total nucleotides. Content of inosine (HxR) and bypoxanthine (Hx) in the fresh meat showed low value of 1.4 μmol/g. During storage of minced fish meat without NaCl in refrigerator (+ 5℃) content of the nucleotides decreased and those of HxR and Hx increased. After 13-day storage Hx accounted for 90% of the total nucleotides and related compounds. When minced fish meat with NaCl was stored under the same Condition, formation of Hx was suppressed, that is, after 13-day storage Hx accounted for 40%. In the case of frozen storage of minced fish meat, formation of Hx was also suppressed by adding NaCl before storage, although formation of HxR was accelerated. Breaking force of fish balls from minced meat stored in both refrigerator and freezer was decreased by 40-50% of that from fresh fish meat. The decrease of breaking force during storage was suppressed by adding NaCl to the fresh minced meat before storage. The value of sensory evaluation of the fish balls was decreased during storage of meat in both refrigerator and freezer. The decrease was suppressed by adding NaCl before the storage.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 1991-05-15
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