Administration of Capsiate, a Non-Pungent Capsaicin Analog, Promotes Energy Metabolism and Suppresses Body Fat Accumulation in Mice(Food & Nutrition Science)
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We investigated the effects of a single oral administration of capsiate, which is found in the fruits of a nonpungent cultivar of pepper, CH-19 Sweet, and has the same structure as capsaicin except for replacement of NH by O in the alkyl chain, on the thermogenesis and fat accumulation in mice. The oxygen consumption and serum adrenalin concentration were higher in both the capsaicin (10 mg/kg-body weight) and capsiate (10 mg/kg-body weight) groups than those in the control group. We also examined the effects of 2 weeks of administration of capsaicin and capsiate on body fat accumulation. Eevery day for 2 weeks administration of capsiate (10, 50 mg/kg-body weight/day) markedly suppressed body fat accumulation as well as capsaicin (10 mg/kg-body weight/day). These results suggest that capsiate promotes energy metabolism and suppresses body fat accumulation as does capsaicin.
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
- 2001-12-23
School of Food and Nutritional Sciences, University of Shizuoka
矢澤 進
Fushiki Tohru
Laboratory Of Nutrition Chemistry Division Of Food Science And Biotechnology Graduate School Of Agri
Fushiki Tohru
京都大学 農学研究科栄養化学分野
Laboratory of Nutrition Chemistry, Division of Food Science and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Ag
OHNUKI Koichiro
Laboratory of Nutrition Chemistry, Division of Food Science and Biotechnology, Graduate School of Ag
Watanabe Tatsuo
School Of Food And Nutritional Sciences Univ. Of Shizuoka
Watanabe Tatsuo
Graduate School Of Nutritional And Environmental Sciences And Coe Program In The 21st Century Univ.
Watanabe T
Department Of Bioscience And Biotechnology Graduate School Of Agriculture Kinki University
Watanabe Tetsuro
Department Of Bioresources Chemistry Chiba University
Fushiki T
Laboratory Of Nutrition Chemistry Division Of Food Science And Biotechnology Graduate School Of Agri
OKI Kasumi
Laboratory of Nutrition Chemistry, Department of Applied Life Sciences, Graduate School of Agricultu
Laboratory of Vegetable and Ornamental Horticulture, Division of Agriculture, Graduate School of Agr
Oki K
User Sci. Inst. Kyushu Univ.
Ohnuki Koichiro
Laboratory Of Nutrition Chemistry Division Of Food Science And Biotechnology Graduate School Of Agri
Hachiya Sachiko
Laboratory Of Nutrition Chemistry Division Of Food Science And Biotechnology Graduate School Of Agri
Fukuoka Agricultural Research Center
Fushiki Tohru
Laboratory Of Nutrition Chemistry Division Of Food Science And Biotechnology Graduate School Of Agri
Fushiki Tohru
Laboratory Of Nutrition Chemistry Division Of Applied Life Sciences Graduate School Of Agriculture K
Watanabe Tatsuo
School Of Food And Nutritional Sciences And Coe Program In The 21st Century University Of Shizuoka
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