Chemical Modification of β-Glucosidase/β-Fucosidase from Dalbergia cochinchinensis Pierre by Conduritol B Epoxide
- 論文の詳細を見る
Studies have been done on the inhibition and inactivation of the β-glucosidase and β=fucosidase enzyme from Thai Rosewood (Dalbergia cochinchinesis Pierre). The enzyme was inhibited by Tris with similar K_i of 11.7 mM and 14.3 mM for the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl β-D-glucoside (PNPG) and p-nitrophenyl β-D-fucoside (PNPF), respectively. Conduritol B epoxide inhibited both β-glucosidase and β-fucosidase activities to similar extents, with a pseudo-first-order rate constant (k_<obs>) of inactivation of 5.56×10<-3>s<-1>, and binding stoichiometry of 0.9 mol per subunit. Partially inactivated enzyme showed similar kinetics with PNPG and PNPF as substrates. Moreover, Tris at 300mM protected both β-glucosidase and β-fucosidase activities from inactivation by 6mM CBE. The data support the idea that the Dalbergia cochinchinensis Pierre enzyme has a common active site for the hydrolysis of PNPG and PNPF.
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
- 1996-08-23
Matsui Hirokazu
Department of Bioscience and Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University
Chiba Seiya
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture Hokkaido University
Chiba Seiya
Division Of Applied Bioscience Graduate School Of Agriculture Hokkaido University
Matsui Hirokazu
Dept. Biosci. Chem. Fac. Agric. Hokkaido Univ.
Matsui Hirokazu
Department Of Applied Bioscience Graduate School Of Agriculture Hokkaido University
SRISOMSAP Chantragan
Laboratory of Biochemistry, Chulabhorn Research Institute
Svasti Jisnuson
Department Of Biochemistry Faculty Of Science Center For Excellence In Protein Structure And Functio
Svasti Jisnuson
Department Of Biochemistry And Center For Excellence In Protein Structure & Function Faculty Of
Srisomsap Chantragan
Laboratory Of Biochemistry Chulabhorn Research Institute
Surarit Rudee
Faculty Of Dentistry Mahidol University
Surarit Rudee
Department of Physiology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University
Svasti J
Faculty Of Science Mahidol University
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