Thermal Restructuring of F^+_2:S^<--> and F^+_2:O^<--> Centers in NaCl Crystals between 205 and 220 K
- 論文の詳細を見る
Sjxtgle cry'stabs of Na(l'l cozataining N825 or NaOl-I ex1?ibited an absorption band at1.18 eV under illumination of light absorbed by tire F 1>and at roomn temperature afteradditive co]oratiox?. I"urtlaer illunaixaation at 80 K cltanged tlae peak positioxt from1.]8eV to 1.]4eV. Tlae bands arise frorn botla F7:S-- and Fj:O-- centers, inwlaich the F.'- center is: loosely bouzad by a S-- or O '- ioza (1.18 eV:t)'pe A) or mostcona)>actly bouutd (1.14 eV:ty)>e B). Keepi??g tlte saxnple at a desired term)cerature be-tw'eeun 205 and 220K re:;ulted in recovery of Lice peak )'>osition to 1.18 eV. Bxaergy forrecovery w'as estimated to be 0.50:0.01 eV and 0.54;0.02 eV for F,' :S-- andF.' :0 - cexaters, respec:tix'ely. Comparisox? of Lice erac:rgies w'itla tltat for rotation ofthe dipole axis of the F" -I-O-= pair, or for ntigratioxt of an anion vacancy suggeststotal 60 degree rotation of tlae F.' axis in tlae F; : S - = or F ; : O - center causes restrue-luring of t)te center frona tyjce B to A.[opticaI absorption, Iuminescexace, sulfer-perturbed Fj center, Nail, color l] center laser, tlternaal stabilitylJ
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1992-10-15
KONDO Yasuhiro
Department of Animal Science and Technology, Okayama University Graduate School of Natural Science a
Hirai M
Osaka Univ. Osaka Jpn
Hirai M
Research Laboratory For Surface Science Faculty Of Science Okayama University
Kondo Y
Department Of Animal Science Faculty Of Agriculture Okayama University
Suzuki Y
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku University
Kondo Y
Okayama Univ. Okayama Jpn
Hirai Masaaki
Research Laboratory For Surface Science Faculty Of Science Okayama University
Suzuki Yoshihiro
Dept. Of Toxicol. & Clin. Pharmacol. Fac. Of Pharmaceut. Sci. Higashi-nippon-gakuen Univ.
Hirai Masamitsu
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku University
Department of Applied Physics,Faculty of Engineering,Tohoku University
Department of Applied Physics,Faculty of Engineering,Tohoku University
Suzuki Yshiro
Department Of Applied Physics Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku University
Suzuki Yoshio
Department Of Electronics Fukuoka Institute Of Technology
Kondo Yasuhiro
Department Of Animal Science And Technology Okayama University Graduate School Of Natural Science An
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