再考, 発酵と腐敗はどこが違う?(バイオミディア)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 2005-09-25
酒井 謙二
酒井 謙二
酒井 謙二
Sakai Kenji
Department Of Physics Nagoya University
Sakai Kenji
Department Of Environmental Chemistry And Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Oita University
Research Institute for Theoretical Physics Hiroshima University
- 特集によせて(循環型社会を支えるラクテートインダストリーの新たな研究潮流)
- 循環型社会を支えるラクテートインダストリーの新たな研究潮流(第59回大会シンポジウム報告)
- 都市生ごみを原料としたポリ乳酸生産プロセスの物質収支と副生成物のコンポスト肥料としての稲作への利用
- P-39 下水汚泥及び汚泥堆肥中の高度好熱菌のFISHによる直接観察(ポスター発表)
- 2G11-2 未利用バイオマスの変換に有用な好熱性微生物の集積分離とプロバイオティクス機能の検討(酵素学,酵素工学,タンパク質工学/資源・エネルギー工学,一般講演)
- 1F17-3 生ごみ発酵物から分離された好温好気性細菌のプロバイオティクス機能(食品科学・食品工学,一般講演)
- 1pE15-5 生ゴミからのポリ乳酸生産において副生する糖化残さの水稲栽培用肥料としての利用(資源エネルギー工学・環境工学・環境浄化・修復・保全技術,一般講演)
- 917 生ごみの開放系嫌気発酵による乳酸生産と菌叢変化
- Effect of steam explosion pretreatment on treatment with Pleurotus ostreatus for the enzymatic hydrolysis of rice straw(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- 1997年度日本農芸化学会大会(1)
- Assignment of the Ground-State Spin-Parity for ^17C through g-Factor Measurement
- Assignment of the Ground-State Spin-Parity for ^C through g-Factor Measurement
- 1D16-5 好熱性L-乳酸生産菌の分離と非殺菌系によるデンプンからの直接発酵(発酵生理学・発酵工学,一般講演)
- 3D09-2 好熱性 L-乳酸生産菌 Bacillus coagulans による生ごみの開放系発酵
- 細菌のN-アシル-D-アミノ酸アミドヒドロラーゼの比較生化学 : D-アミノ酸の生化学とバイオテクノロジー : シンポジウム(S-14)
- 乳酸発酵微生物研究の現状と好熱菌/耐熱菌の利用(循環型社会を支えるラクテートインダストリーの新たな研究潮流)
- 生ゴミからポリ乳酸を製造するプロセスで生成する副産物の飼料としての有用性
- 化成品生産を伴う炭酸ガス非排出型生ゴミコンポスト化の試み
- In Situ Optical Monitoring of Two-Dimensional Crystal Growth in Layer-by-Layer Chemical Vapor Deposition of YBa_2Cu_3O_x
- In Situ Monitoring of Optical Reflectance Oscillation in Layer-by-Layer Chemical Vapor Deposition of Oxide Superconductor Films
- 再考, 発酵と腐敗はどこが違う?(バイオミディア)
- Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization Analysis of Open Lactic Acid Fermentation of Kitchen Refuse Using rRNA-Targeted Oligonucleotide Probes(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- ポリ乳酸生産を基軸とした都市生ごみのトータルリサイクルシステム
- 生ゴミからポリ乳酸を製造するプロセスで生成するLactobacillus sp.KY-3 菌体がラットの 脂質代謝に及ぼす影響
- 2S18 生ゴミからのポリ乳酸生産と開放発酵系のFISHによる菌叢解析
- Metabolism of N-Acetyl-D-amino Acid by Alcaligenes xylosoxydans subsp. xylosoxydans A-6
- Purification and Characterization of Nitrite-oxidizing Enzyme from Heterotrophic Bacillus badius I-73,with Special Concern to Catalase
- Analysis of the Microbial Community in an Activated Sludge Enriched with an Inorganic Nitrite Medium
- Selective Proliferation of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Accumulation of Lactic Acid during Open Fermentation of Kitchen Refuse with Intermittent pH Adjustment
- Role of Conserved Histidine Residues in D-Aminoacylase from Alcaligenes xylosoxydans subsp. xylosoxydans A-6
- Purification and Characterization of _L-Aminoacylase from Pseudomonas maltophila B1
- L-Ornithine Decarboxylase from Hafnia alvei Has a Novel L-Ornithine Oxidase Activity
- Change in Nitrite Conversion Direction from Oxidation to Reduction in Heterotrophic Bacteria Depending on the Aeration Conditions
- On the Resonance-Like Behavior in the pp Scattering Amplitudes : Nuclear Physics
- Dibaryon Resonace and Aligned Coupling States of Nucleon and Δ Isobar
- Possible Structures of Pion Condensate in Symmetric Nuclear Matter
- Solid-Like Structure of Pion Condensed Nuclear Matter
- Spin Density Wave in Many Nucleon System
- Backward Peak in Proton-Deuteron Elastic Scattering at High Energy
- Analysis of Proton-Proton Scattering at High Energy
- 05-090 下水汚泥から分離された新規な高度好熱菌SS株の同定(極限環境,研究発表)
- 362 未殺菌米糠の同時糖化発酵によるL-乳酸の生産(生物化学工学,代謝工学,一般講演)
- Evaluation of Pretreatment with Pleurotus ostreatus for Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Rice Straw(ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Production of L-Lactic Acid by Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation Using Unsterilized Defatted Rice Bran as a Carbon Source and Nutrient Components
- Synthesis of Hydrotalcite-Like Materials from Various Wastes in Aluminum Regeneration Process (第2回 日韓資源リサイクル・材料科学に関する国際シンポジウム特集号)
- Molecular Monitoring of Bacterial Community Structure in Long-Aged Nukadoko : Pickling Bed of Fermented Rice Bran Dominated by Slow-Growing Lactobacilli(MICROBIAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY)
- Cloning and Sequencing of a Gene Encoding D-Aminoacylase from Alcaligenes xylosoxydans subsp. xylosoxydans A-6 and Expression of the Gene in Escherichia coli
- Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization Analysis of Cecal Microflora in Rats Simultaneously Administrated Lactobacillus rhamnosus KY-3 and Cellobiose
- Effect of Lactobacillus rhamnosus KY-3 and Cellobiose as Synbiotics on Lipid Metabolism in Rats
- MRI of adult-onset type II citrullinemia
- Purification and Properties of an Enzyme Oxidizing Nitrite to Nitrate from Candida rugosa(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
- Conversion of Nitrite to Nitrate by Nitrite-resistant Yeasts(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
- Mortality of Bifidobacteria in Boiled Yogurt
- Increase in β-D-Glucoside-assimilating Ability of Bifidobacterium breve 203 Due to Acclimation to β-D-Glucoside(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
- Hydrolysis of α-D-Galactosyl Oligosaccharides in Soymilk by α-D-Galactosidase of Bifidobacterium breve 203(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
- Isolation and Characterization of Two β-D-Glucosidases from Bifidobacterium breve 203(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
- p-Nitrophenyl Glycoside-hydrolyzing Activities in Bifidobacteria and Characterization of β-D-Galactosidase of Bifidobacterium longum 401(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
- Nitrite Oxidation by Heterotrophic Bacteria under Various Nutritional and Aerobic Conditions
- Molecular Cloning and Determination of the Nucleotide Sequence of a Gene Encoding Salt-Tolerant Glutaminase from Micrococcus luteus K-3
- Production of D-Amino Acid Oxidase from Aspergillus sojae
- Chemical Modification of Histidine Residue of N-Acyl-D-Glutamate Amidohydrolase from Pseudomonas sp. 5f-1
- Cloning, Expression, and Nucleotide Sequence of the N-Acyl-_D-Aspartate Amidohydrolase Gene from Alcaligenes xylosoxydans subsp. sylosoxydans A-6
- Metal-characterization of N-Acyl-D-glutamate Amidohydrolase from Pseudomonas sp. Strain 5f-1
- Primary Structure of N-Acyl- D-Glutamate Amidohydrolase from Alcaligenes xylosoxydans subsp. xylosoxydans A-6^1
- Isolation, Enzyme Production and Characterization of D-Aspartate Oxidase from Fusarium sacchari var. elongatum Y-105
- Isolation and Characterization of Salt-Tolerant Glutaminases from Marine Micrococcus luteus K-3
- Production, Purification, and Characterization of D-Aminoacylase from Alcaligenes xylosoxydans subsp. xylosoxydans A-6
- 藻類によるD-乳酸の発酵生産 : 「カーボンニュートラル」を超えるバイオリファイナリー(バイオミディア)
- Isolation of a Thermophilic Poly-L-Lactide Degrading Bacterium from Compost and Its Enzymatic Characterization
- A Novel Inducer, γ-Methyl-D-leucine, of D-Aminoacylase from Alcaligenes denitrificans subsp. xylosoxydans MI-4(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
- 833 膜型混合培養システムを用いた乳酸菌の選択的増殖条件の解明とその応用
- Evaluation of Fungal Pretreatments for Enzymatic Saccharification of Rice Straw
- Off-Shell Amplitude in Witten's Bosonic String Field Theory : Particles and Fields
- Occurrence of Novel Enzymes, N-Acetyl-D-glutamate Deacetylase and N-Acetyl-D-aspartate Deacetylase, in Alcaligenes xylosoxydans subsp. xylosoxydans A-6(Microbiology & Fermentation Industry)
- Purification and Characterization of Novel N-Acyl-D-aspartate Amidohydrolase from Alcaligenes xylosoxydans subsp. xylosoxydans A-6
- 従属栄養微生物の硝化作用
- Comparison of Toxicity and Toxicokinetics/Pharmacokinetics of an α_-Adrenoceptor Agonist in Rats and Rhesus Monkeys
- Comparison of Toxicity and Toxicokinetics/Pharmacokinetics of an α1L-Adrenoceptor Agonist in Rats and Rhesus Monkeys
- Evidence for Existence of a Repulsive Core in the Λ-N Interaction
- On the (γ-π^-p) Reaction with Complex Nuclei
- Composite Model and High Energy Quasi Elastic Scattering
- Elastic Scattering between Composite Nuclei at High Energy
- Proton-Nucleus Scattering at Very High Energy
- Marinesco-Sjogren syndrome with atrophy of the brain stem tegmentum and dysplastic cytoarchitecture in the cerebral cortex
- The Backward Peak in Pion-Nucleon Scattering and Composite Structure of the Pion
- Quantitative Prediction of in Vivo Drug Interactions between Nevirapine and Antifungal Agents from in Vitro Data in Rats
- ビターとラグビーの国ウェールズ ウェールズ大学滞在記
- 化成品生産を伴う炭酸ガス非排出型生ゴミコンポスト化の試み(環境保全型農業における微生物の利活用,シンポジウム)
- Fock State Representation of Wilson's Equation : Particles and Fields
- 藪田セミナー「環境ゼノバイオティクスの徽生物分解とその戦略(Strategy for Microbiological Degradation of Environmental Xenobiotics)」