Overexpression of Urokinase-type Plasminogen Activator in Human Gastric Cancer Cell Line (AGS) Induces Tumorigenicity in Severe Combined Immunodeficient Mice
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2002-02-28
Kim J.-h.
Lee Chul-ho
Lee C‐h
Genetic Resources Center Korea Research Institute Of Bioscience And Biotechnology (kribb)
HYUN Byung-Hwa
ICLAS Monitoring Subcenter Korea, Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology
CHOI Yang-Kyu
College of Veterinary Medicine, Konkuk University
Kim Ju-won
Department Of Veterinary Internal Medicine College Of Veterinary Medicine Konkuk University
Kim J.-h.
National Veterinary Research And Quarantine Service
Kim Doo-young
School Of Electrical Eng. Seoul National Univ.
Kim J‐y
Obihiro Univ. Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine Hokkaido Jpn
KOOK Yoon-Hoh
Department of Microbiology, Seoul National University College of Medicine
Kook Yoon-hoh
Department Of Microbiology And Cancer Research Center Seoul National University College Of Medicine
CHOI Yang-Kyu
Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology
Kim D‐y
Seoul National Univ. And School Of Agricultural Biotechnol. Suwon Kor
Yoon B‐i
Division Of Cell And Molecular Pathogenesis Department Of Pathology Virginia Commonwealth University
Yoon Byung-il
Virginia Commonwealth University
Yoon Byung-h
Departments Of Veterinary Pathology Seoul National University
Lee C‐h
Electrotechnical Lab. Tsukuba
Lee C‐h
Aist Central 2
Lee Chul-ho
Korea Research Institute Of Bioscience And Biotechnology
Lee Chul-ho
Energy Electronics Institute National Institute Of Advanced Industrial Science And Technology (aist)
Kim Dae-yong
Department Of Veterinary Pathology College Of Veterinary Medicine Seoul National University And Scho
Kim Dae-yong
Department Of Veterinary Pathology College Of Veterinary Medicine And Agricultural Biotechnology Seo
Kim Dae-yong
Departments Of Veterinary Pathology Seoul National University
Kim Dae-yong
Kim Dae-yong
Department Of Pathology College Of Veterinary Medicine Seoul National University
Choi Yang-kyu
Genetic Resources Center Korea Research Institute Of Bioscience And Biotechnology (kribb)
KIM Jin-Hyun
Departments of Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine and School of Agricultural Biotechnology Se
Division of Cell and Molecular Pathogenesis, Department of Pathology, Virginia Commonwealth Universi
WON Young-Suk
Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology
HYUN Byung-Hwa
Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology
OH Goo-Taeg
Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology
Department of Pathology, State University of New York
Hyun B‐h
Korea Res. Inst. Biosci. And Biotechnol.(kribb) Taejon Kor
Hyun Byung-hwa
Genetic Resources Center Korea Research Institute Of Bioscience And Biotechnology (kribb)
Kim Jin-hyun
Department Of Veterinary Pathology College Of Veterinary Medicine Seoul National University And Scho
Kim Jin-hyun
Department Of Veterinary Pathology College Of Veterinary Medicine And Agricultural Biotechnology Seo
Kim D‐y
Department Of Veterinary Pathology College Of Veterinary Medicine Seoul National University And Scho
Lee Chul-ho
Iclas Monitoring Subcenter Korea Korea Res. Inst. Of Bioscience And Biotechnology
Kim J‐h
Department Of Veterinary Pathology College Of Veterinary Medicine Seoul National University And Scho
Yoon Byung-ii
Division Of Cell And Molecular Pathogenesis Department Of Pathology Virginia Commonwealth University
Sipley John
Department Of Pathology State University Of New York
Yoon Byung-il
Division Of Cell And Molecular Pathogenesis Department Of Pathology Virginia Commonwealth University
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