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ホルボールエステルにより発生するCa^<2+>非依存性の収縮に, 低分子GTP結合タンパク質Rho GTPaseファミリーがどのように関与するかを, ブタ肺動脈平滑筋を用いて検討した.Ca^<2+>除去溶液(1mM EGTA含む)中にCキナーゼ(PKC)活性化薬である12-deoxyphorbol 13-isobutyrate (DPB, 1μM)を投与すると持続性の収縮が発生したが, この収縮は電位依存性Ca^<2+>チャネル抑制剤verapamilおよびRhoキナーゼ阻害剤Y27632では抑制されなかった.ウェスタンブロッティングにより, ブタ肺動脈平滑筋にはPKCα, PKCε, PKCζ, そしてRhoAとCdc42の発現が観察された.また, DPB処置によりPKCαとPKCεは細胞質から細胞膜へ移行し, さらにCdc42を細胞質から細胞膜へ移行させた.同様の結果がCdc42のpull-downアッセイ実験でも確認された.しかし, RhoAについてはDPB処置によるトランスロケーションは見られなかった.Norepinephrine (10μM)はRhoAを細胞質から細胞膜へ有意に移動させたが, Cdc42やPKCに対するトランスロケーション作用は示さなかった.以上の結果からホルボールエステルは低分子GTP結合蛋白Rhoファミリー, 特にCdc42を介してCa^<2+>非依存性の収縮を起こす可能性が示唆された.
- 社団法人日本獣医学会の論文
- 2005-08-25
Kim Yoon
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Microbiology and Immunology, Chonnam National University Me
LEE Chang
Department of Oral Biology, Yonsei University College of Dentistry
Lee Chang
Department Of Physiology & Immunology School Of Medicine Konkuk University
Choi W.-h.
Department of Astronomy, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
Choi Won
Department Of Physiology And Anesthesiology College Of Medicine Institute Of Biomedical Science And
Woo Nam
Department Of Physiology And Anesthesiology College Of Medicine Institute Of Biomedical Science And
Kim Bokyung
Department Of Physiology & Immunology School Of Medicine Konkuk University
Kim B.
Kim Bokyung
College Of Medicine Konkuk University
Kim Jin-hyun
Department Of Veterinary Pathology College Of Veterinary Medicine And Agricultural Biotechnology Seo
KIM Junghwan
Department of Physical Therapy, College of Natural Science, Yongin University
LEE Youn
Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, Institute of Biomedical Science and Technology, Konku
KIM Jaeheung
Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, Institute of Biomedical Science and Technology, Konku
CHO SungIl
Department of Physiology and Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, Institute of Biomedical Science an
Lee Chang
Department Of Animal Science Utsunomiya University
Choi Won
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Kyushu University
Lee Youn
Department Of Physiology College Of Medicine Institute Of Biomedical Science And Technology Konkuk U
Choi Yoon
Department Of Physiology And Anesthesiology College Of Medicine Institute Of Biomedical Science And
Cho Sungil
Department Of Physiology And Anesthesiology College Of Medicine Institute Of Biomedical Science And
Kim Bokyung
Kim Junghwan
Department Of Physiology & Immunology School Of Medicine Konkuk University
Kim Junghwan
Department Of Physical Therapy College Of Natural Science Yongin University
Kim Yoon
Department Of Anesthesiology And Pain Medicine Chungnam National University Hospital
Kim Bongtae
Department Of Veterinary Pathology College Of Veterinary Medicine And School Of Agicultural Biotechn
Kim J.
Department Of Physiology & Immunology School Of Medicine Konkuk University
Cho S.
Department Of Physiology And Anesthesiology College Of Medicine Institute Of Biomedical Science And
Lee Youn
Department Of Hospital Pathology St. Mary's Hospital The Catholic University Of Korea College O
Kim Junghwan
Dep. Of Physical Therapy Coll. Of Public Health & Welfare Yongin Univ.
Kim Yoon
Department Of Physiology And Anesthesiology College Of Medicine Institute Of Biomedical Science And
Lee Chang
Departlnent Of Biology College Of Natural Sciences Kyungpook National University Korea
Choi Won-Ho
Department of Physiology and Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, Institute of Biomedical Science and Technology, Konkuk University
Choi Won-Ho
Department of Electronics Engineering, Chungnam National University, 220 Gung-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-764, Republic of Korea
Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan
KIM Bokyung
Department of Medicine, Konkuk University
Choi Won-Ho
Department of Computer Engineering, University of Kyungnam
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