ヒマラヤ地域の薬用植物資源に関する研究(1)ヒマラヤ産マオウ(Ephedra gerardiana Wall.)の組織培養による再生化とそのアルカロイド含量に関する研究
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 日本植物細胞分子生物学会の論文
- 1996-08-01
渡辺 高志
Medicinal Plant Garden, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kitasato University
Takano Akihito
Medicinal Plant Garden Showa College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Medicinal Plant Garden, Kitasato University School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Royal Botanical Garden, Department of Plant Resources
Medicinal Plant Garden, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kitasato University
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kitasato University
KOHDA Hiroshi
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of medicine, Hiroshima University
神田 博史
Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Hiroshima University School Of Medicine
Malla Kuber
Royal Botanical Garden Department Of Plant Resources
Kohda H
The Experimental Station Of Medicinal Plant Hiroshima University School Of Medicine
Kohda Hiroshi
Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Hiroshima University School Of Medicine
Yoshikawa Takafumi
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kitasato University
Yoshikawa T
Kitasato Univ. Tokyo Jpn
Kawaguchi K
Kitasato Univ. Kanagawa Jpn
Kawaguchi Kiichiro
Medicinal Plant Garden School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kitasato University
Kawaguchi Kiichiro
Medicinal Plant Garden School Of Pharmaceutical Science Kitasato University
Yoshikawa T
School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kitasato University
Watanabe Takashi
Medicinal Plant Garden Kitasato University School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Kohda Hiroshi
Institute Of Pharmaceutical Science Hiroshima University Of Medicine
Watanabe T
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Takano Akihito
Medical Plant Garden Showa College Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Higashitamagawagakuen
Kohda H
Experimental Station Of Medicinal Plants Graduate School Of Biomedical Sciences Hiroshima University
Watanabe Takashi
Medical Plant Garden School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kitasato University
川口 基一郎
Medicinal Plant Garden, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kitasato University
吉川 孝文
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kitasato University
高野 昭人
Medicinal Plant Garden, Showa College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- 血小板凝集阻害作用を有する天然物の Screening 試験. 知母の活性成分
- Tannins and Related Compounds. CXXII. New Dimeric, Trimeric and Tetrameric Ellagitannins, Lambertianins A-D, from Rubus lambertianus SERINGE
- Structures of New Terpenoid Constituents of Ganoderma lucidum (Fr.) KARST (Polyporaceae)
- The Biologically Active Constituents of Ganoderma lucidum (FR.) KARST. Histamine Release-Inhibitory Triterpenes
- Saponins from Leaves of Kalopanax pictus (THUNB.) NAKAI, Harigiri : Structures of Kalophanax-Saponins JLa and JLb
- Limitation of Polymyxin B on Suppression of Endotoxin Shock Induced by Salmonella Infection in Mice(Miscellaneous)
- A Citrus Flavonoid Hesperidin Suppresses Infection-Induced Endotoxin Shock in Mice (Miscellaneous)
- Isolation of Inhibitors of Adenylate Cyclase from Dan-shen, the Root of Salvia miltiorrhiza
- イトヒメハギ(Polygala tenuifolia)の多芽体誘導による大量増殖
- Chikusetsusaponin. VI. A New Saponin from the Rhizome of Panax pseudo-ginseng var. angustatus HARA
- Chikusetsusaponin. VI. A New Saponin from the Rhizome of Panax pseudo-ginseng var. angustatus HARA
- Studies on the Constiutents of Atractylodes lancea
- Alanysis of Saponins of Wild Panax gineseng
- Saponins from Talinum triangulare
- Saponins from Amaranthus hypochondriacus
- Saponins from Leaves of Acanthopanax hypoleucus MAKINO
- Studies on Lens-Aldose-Reductase Inhibitor in Medicinal Plants II. : Active Constituents of Monochasma savatierii FRANCH. et MAXIM.
- Flavonoid Glucosides from Polygounm tinctorium
- サンドイッチ法による雑草および薬用植物のアレロパシー活性の検索
- 西南暖地に生育する薬用植物・樹木葉の他感作用
- 32 西南暖地に生育する薬用植物・樹木葉の他感作用
- New Triterpene Saponins from Ilex pubescens(Organic,Chemical)
- カンゾウ(Glycyrrhiza glabra L.)の腋芽からの試験管内増殖
- Studies on Nepalese Crude Drugs. XXVIII. Chemical Constituents of Bhote Khair, the Underground Parts of Eskemukerjea megacarpum HARA
- Studies on Medicinal Plant Resources of the Himalayas (4)、Chemical Evaluation of Bupleurum falcatum var. gracillimum Collected in Nepal
- ヒマラヤ地域の薬用植物資源に関する研究(1)ヒマラヤ産マオウ(Ephedra gerardiana Wall.)の組織培養による再生化とそのアルカロイド含量に関する研究
- Two New Steroidal Glycosides from Scopolia japonica MAXIM.
- 3,4-Secolupane-Type Triterpene Glycosyl Esters from Leaves of Acanthopanax divaricatus SEEM(Pharmacognosy,Chemical)
- Saponin Composition of Rhizomes of Panax japonicus Collected in South Kyushu, Japan, and Its Significance in Oriental Traditional Medicine
- Chemical and Morphological Study on Chinese Panax japonicus C. A. MEYER (Zhujie-Shen)
- Diterpene-Glycosides of Stevia Paniculata LAG. : Structures of Aglycones
- Steviosideの量法の研究
- 薬用ニンジンサポニンおよびその関連配糖体の酵素加水分解について
- Molluscicidal Triterpenoidal Saponin from Lysimachia sikokiana
- Screening for Molluscicidal Activity in Crude Drugs
- Receptor Binding Assay 法を用いた薬用植物中の活性成分の研究(第2報) : Dopamine 2 Receptor
- Glycosides of the Leaves of Symplocos spp. (Symplocaceae)
- Paniculosides-I-V, Diterpene-glucosides from Stevia ovata LAG.
- Application of ^C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy to Chemistry of Glycosides : Structures of Paniculosides-I, -II, -III, -IV, and -V, Diterpene Glucosides of Stevia paniculata LAG.
- RAPD analysis of Coptis Plants
- Evaluation of Valeriana Plants and Their Improvement for Crude Drug Production 4. Micropropagation of Valeriana fauriei through Culture of Shoot Primordia
- Evaluation of Valeriana Plants and Their Improvement for Crude Drug Production 3. F_1 Hybrids Production and Their Sesquiterpenoids Contents
- Evaluation of Valeriana Plants and Their Improvement for Crude Drug Production 2. Diversity of Sesquiterpenoid Contents
- Evaluation of Valeriana Plants and Their Improvement for Crude Drug Production 1. Phylogenetic Relationship in The Genus Valeriana as Revealed by RAPD Markers
- Potentiation of Cytotoxic Activity in Naive and Tumor-Bearing Mice by Oral Administration of Hot-Water Extracts from Agaricus brazei Fruiting Bodies (Miscellaneous)
- Rubusoside (β-D-Glucosyl Ester of 13-O-β-D-Glucosyl-steviol), a Sweet Principle of Rubus chingii Hu (Rosaceae)
- Cloning and characterization of glucosyltransferase cDNA from Eucalyptus perriniana cultured cells
- Phylogenetic Analysis of Atractylodes Plants Based on Chloroplast trnK Sequence
- Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Analysis and Variation of Essential Oil Components of Atractylodes Plants
- Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms of rDNA and Variation of Essential Oil Composition in Atractylodes Plants
- Time-and Dose-Dependent Effect of Fosfomycin on Suppression of Infection-Induced Endotoxin Shock in Mice
- Production of Triterpenes from the Callus Tissues of Actinidiaceous Plants
- Time- and Dose-Dependent Effect of Fosfomycin on Suppression of Infection-Induced Endotoxin Shock in Mice
- Induction of Isoflavonoid and Retrochalcone Branches of the Flavonoid Pathway in Cultured Glycyrrhiza echinata Cells Treated with Yeast Extract
- Analysis of Acyclic Diterpene Glycosides in Lycii Folium
- Indole Alkaloid Production in Callus Cultures of Uncaria rhynchophylla (MIQ.) MiQUEL
- RAPD Analysis of Ephedra Plants
- Identification of the Crude Drug Atractylodes Rhizome (Byaku-jutsu) and Atractylodes Lancea Rhizome (So-jutsu) Using Chloroplast TrnK Sequence as a Molecular Marker
- Expression of the Chalcone Synthase Gene in Scutellaria baicalensis Hairy Root Cultures Was Unusually Reduced by Environmental Stresses
- Homogeneity of Aconitine-Type Alkaloids in Aconitum Species in Japan
- Induction and Rapid Propagation of Shoot Primordia of Mentha arvensis L. var. piperascens by Shoot Tip Culture
- Simultaneous Analysis of 5'-Mono-nucleotides and Nucleosides in Saline Solution by High Performance Liquid Chromatography(Analytical Chemistry)
- Anthocyanin galactosyltransferase from Aralia cordata, cDNA cloning and characterization
- Production of Anethole in Callus of Illicium verum Hooker filius
- Seasonal Variation of Glycyrrhizin and Isoliquiritigenin Glycosides in the Root of Glycyrrhiza glabra L.
- Purification and characterization of abelesculin, a novel ribosome-inactivating protein from the mature seeds of Abelmoschus esculentus
- Analysis of Acyclic Diterpene Glycosides in Lycii Folium
- Induction and Rapid Propagation of Shoot Primordia of Mentha arvensis L. var. piperascens by Shoot Tip Culture
- Studies on the Medicinal Plant Resources of the Himalayas (2) : Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of saikosaponins of Some Bupleurum Roots Collected in Nepal
- Baicalin and Baicalein Productions of Cultured Scutellaria baicalensis Cells
- イトヒメハギの栽培研究 : II.播種密度と収量との関係について
- イトヒメハギの栽培研究 : I.種子発芽と種子の保存方法について
- Boswellia carterii BIRDW.の発芽と初期生育
- Studies on Medicinal Plant Resources of the Himalayas (6) : Cultivation of Nepalese Ephedra Collected at Upper Mustang
- Studies on Medicinal Plant Resources of the Himalayas (5) : Variation in Alkaloid Content in Cultivated Nepalese Ephedra (1)
- Studies on Medicinal Plant Resources of the Himalayas (4) : Chemical Evaluation of Bupleurum falcatum var.gracillimum Collected in Nepal
- Studies on the medicinal plant resources of the Himalayas (3), Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Analysis and Saponin Contents of Himalayan Ginseng [Panax pseudo-ginseng Wall.]
- Homogeneity of Aconitine-Type Alkaloids in Aconitum Species in Japan
- 生薬「蒼朮」の基原植物Atractylodes lanceaについて
- Evaluation of Valeriana Plants and Their Improvement for Crude Drug Production : 3. F_1 Hybrids Production and Their Sesquiterpenoids Contents
- Evaluation of Valeriana Plants and Their Improvement for Crude Drug Production : 2. Diversity of Sesquiterpenoid Contents
- Evaluation of Valeriana Plants and Their Improvement for Crude Drug Production : 1. Phylogenetic Relationship in The Genus Valeriana as Revealed by RAPD Markers
- RAPD analysis of Coptis Plants
- Evaluation of Valeriana Plants and Their Improvement for Crude Drug Production : 4. Micropropagation of Valeriana fauriei through Culture of Shoot Primordia
- Screening for Mast Cell Histamine Release Inhibitory Activity of Philippine Medicinal Plants. : Active Constituent of Ehretia microphylla
- 肥満細胞からのヒスタミン遊離抑制作用を指標とした抗炎症生薬のスクリーニング
- Clonal Multiplication of Panax japonicus by Tissue Culture
- Search for Lens-Aldose-Reductase Inhibitor in Medicinal Plants
- Propagation of Bupleurum falcatum by Shoot Tip Culture : Induction of Shoot Primordia
- Formation of Stigma-like Structures and Pigments in Cultured Tissues of Crocus sativus
- 乾姜中Zingeroneの定量および市場品乾姜の産地特性について
- Diterpene and Triterpene Glycosides from Rubus pedunculosus D. Don in Nepal
- Production of lignans in calluses of Schisandra chinensis
- Constituents of Corchorus olitorius L.
- Inhibition of Mast Cell Histamine Release by 2,6-Dimethoxy-p-benzoquinone Isolated from Berchemia racemosa
- クチナシ培養細胞による有用色素生産について(1)
- Isolation of Trilobatin, a Sweet Dihydrochalcone-Glucoside from Leaves of Vitis piasezkii MAXIM. and V. saccharifera MAKINO
- Chemical Constituents of Flowers of Stevia rebaudiana BERTONI