Tectonic geomorphology of the northeastern margin of the Suwa Basin, along the middle part of the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line Active Fault System
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We conducted a tectonic geomorphological survey in the northeastern margin of the Suwa Basin (in the area between Okaya and Chino), along the middle part of the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line Active Fault System (ISTL). Procedure of this study is as follows; 1) aerial photo analysis and field survey,2) mapping of geomorphic surfaces and reconstruction of geomorphic evolution,3) mapping of tectonic landforms which explains the geomorphic evolution reasonably,4) measurement of vertical offset by construction of cross sections and calculation of vertical offset rates,5) measurement of horizontal offset of geomorphic markers (e. g., terrace scarps, small valleys) and calculation of horizontal offset rates. Vertical/horizontal offset rates were estimated based on offset of geomorphic markers (fluvial terraces) and ages of the terraces (H, older than 120 ka; Ml,90-100 ka; M2,40-65 ka; Li a,20 ka; Lib,10 ka; L2,4-7 ka; L3,1-2 ka). Although mapped faults in this study are similar to existing papers, different results were obtained in some areas as follows; 1) we judged fault traces in existing papers near the Suwa Taisha Harumiya which lies on the right bank of the Togawa River is not a tectonic landform but an erosional scarp,2) we judged that broad gentle slope at Suwa Taisha Akimiya which is interpreted as flexural scarp is not a tectonic landform but a depositional landform of landslide deposits,3) we judged that the (fault) scarp in Kuwabara is not a tectonic landform but an erosional scarp,4) fault scarps which lie along boundary between the Suwa Basin and mountainous area at Uehara are newly mapped,5) the fault scarp near the Chino station at the right bank of the Kamikawa River is newly mapped as certainly located fault,6) the fault scarp which deforms L3 surface in a valley bottom at Sakamuro is newly mapped. We constructed 41 cross sections and obtained 47 vertical/lateral offset rates. Based on obtained vertical/horizontal offset rate, faults in the study area can be classified into three or four segments, although we could obtain only minimum vertical offset rates in many areas. The most southeastern segment is interpreted as a main fault which is inferred to construct a pull-apart basin. The other fault segments are interpreted as secondary faults of the main faults, based on the fact that these fault segments have short length (3-4 km), and that the fault segments have gentle round shaped fault traces.
澤 祥
廣内 大助
杉戸 信彦
佐藤 善輝
鈴木 康弘
隈元 崇
石黒 聡士
渡辺 満久
坂上 寛之
内田 主税
松多 信尚
安藤 俊人
田力 正好
谷口 薫
石黒 聡士
隈元 崇
杉戸 信彦
内田 主税
隈元 崇
渡辺 満久
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