Catalogue of reflection surveys and pattern of active faults in seismic reflection record section
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After the 1995 Hyogokenn-Nanbu earthquake, local governments started survey of active faults by the fund from Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. By the end of 2000,77 faults have been surveyed by local governments. We collected 73 seismic reflection profiles obtained by these surveys and made a database. The database consists of figures of reflection profiles and a table of profile lines. The table contains activity and geological conditions of faults, information on a reflection survey, and a faults' appearance in a reflection profile. We divided faults' appearance into four types based on the pattern of reflection surfaces in profiles; (A) Step (a fault appears as steps of reflection surfaces), (B) scarp, (C) discontinuity ( reflection surfaces are recognized on one side of a fault, but disappear on the other side), and (D) step and scarp. Using this database, we considered the relation between faults' appearance and geological conditions, fault type and activity, and found the following features. (1) Reverse faults appear as type (A), (B) and (D), while strike slip faults as type(C). (2)Most of faults of type(B) are characterized by thicker sedimentary layers and lower activity than those of type (A)and (D). We have to collect more reflection profiles of normal and strike slip faults in order to investigate features of these type of faults.
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