Precise location and activity of active faults along the Morimoto-Togashi fault zone, Ishikawa prefecture, Hokuriku, Japan
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Precise. aerial photograph interpretation of tectonic landforms in the eastern margin of the Kanazawa plain was made in order to clarify the overall nature of active faulting along the Morimoto-Togashi fault zone. This fault zone, about 25km long trending NNE, consists of east or southeast-dipping thrust faults, namely the Morimoto fault, the Nomachi fault, the Togashi fault, the Nagasaka fault, and the Nodayama fault. Vertical offset over 20m on a lower river terrace near Kanazawa city suggests that the overall rate of vertical slip on this fault zone is 1 m/kyr or more in the late Qauternary. The Morimoto, Nomachi, and Togashi faults, which constitute the main strands of this fault zone, have been active clearly in the Holocene; in paticular, the Morimoto fault has displaced an alluvial lowland surface formed after the Jomon. marine transgression of middle Holocene age. Such young offset features suggest that at least two faulting events have occurred since about 6000 years B. P.
- Japanese Society for Active Fault Studiesの論文
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