Niflumic Acidの薬理学的研究特にFenamate類との比較(第2報) : 一般薬理作用
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In a previous paper, it was reported that niflumic acid had similar effects to flufenamic acid regarding anti-inflammatory actions and similar effects to mefenamic acid regarding analgesic actions. In this paper, general pharmacological actions of niflumic acid were examined in comparison with those of fenamates. Acute toxicity of niflumic acid was somewhat stronger than that of flufenamic acid and the toxic action had the same obstruction on heart function as fenamates, but in doses causing anti-inflammatory activity, it had no effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Niflumic acid showed weak activities similar to mefenamic acid in such tests as locomotion, rotarod, anti-convulsion, hypnotic potentiation to barbiturates, hypothermic and anti-pyretic actions. Therefore, it appeared not to have side effects on the central nervous system. It decreased urine volume, urinary sodium and potassium output, but these acti-vities were comparable to those usually observed with the conventional non-steroid anti-inflammatory agents and it was also free of any effects on the blood sodium, potassium and sugar levels. Although it delayed the excretion rate of phenol red in rabbit like fenamates, a clinical uricosuric action may not be presumed since the activity was weaker than that of phenylbutazone. It inhibited the isolated intestinal and uterine movement in a high concentration, but did not show specific antagonistic actions on such spasmogenic substances as histamine, acetylcholine, 5-HT and BaCl2. It was found that niflumic acid caused stomach ulcer and this ulcerogenic action was the only marked effect of niflumic acid. From the above results, niflumic acid proved to be slightly stronger in toxicity and side effects on the gastrointestinal tract than fenamates. It may, therefore, be consi-dered that niflumic acid is more prone to acute inflammation than to chronic in toxicity and in side effects as well as in anti-inflammatory activity.
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