生後性成熟過程のウシ潜在精巣におけるα-SMAおよび vimentin の免疫組織化学的局在パターンの異常
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Previously, we reported the normal postnatal developmental changes in immunohistochemical localization of α-smooth muscle actin (SMA) and vimentin in the bovine testis. In this study, we demonstrate the alterations of these cytoskeletal proteins in the bovine cryptorchid testis as compared to the contralateral scrotal testis during postnatal development. Seminiferous peritubular α-SMA did not appear in the cryptorchid testis until 8 months of age, except for very weak intermittent filaments in relatively larger seminiferous tubules. However, a similar peritubular pattern was observed in the 18-month-old cryptorchid and scrotal testes. Moreover, weak expression of α-SMA in the straight tubules and rete testes at 5 months of age did not improve until 18 months of age in the cryptorchid testes. The Sertoli cell vimentin in the cryptorchid testes revealed a highly immature pattern at 5 months of age, a pattern similar to a transforming pattern with infranuclear vimentin extensions at 8 months of age, and a pattern that was almost a transforming pattern, but with considerable weakening of the vimentin filaments, at 18 months of age. In conclusion, cryptorchidism may cause considerable delay in testicular myoid cell differentiation and in attainment of the transforming pattern of the Sertoli cell vimentin, which weakens and fails to attain the mature pattern in the cryptorchid testis. These alterations may be related to the structural immaturity and functional failure of postnatally developing bovine testes exposed continuously to body heat.
- 日本繁殖生物学会の論文
- 2006-06-01
佐々木 基樹
宮本 明夫
松崎 重範
Genetics Hokkaido
Miyamoto Akio
Graduate School Of Animal And Food Hygiene Obihiro University Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine
宮本 明夫
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro University
佐々木 基樹
佐々木 基樹
The United Graduate School Of Veterinary Sciences Gifu University
DEVKOTA Bhuminand
松井 基純
三宅 陽一
Matsui Motozumi
Lab. Of Theriogenology Dep. Of Applied Veterinary Medicine Obihiro Univ. Of Agriculture And Veterina
Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
三宅 陽一
岩手大学 農学部家畜繁殖学研究室
Miyake Yoh‐ichi
Obihiro Univ. Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine Hokkaido
Miyake Y
Laboratory Of Theriogenology Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate University
Amaya Montoya
帯広畜産大学 畜産学研究科畜産衛生学
Devkota Bhuminand
The United Graduate School Of Veterinary Sciences Gifu University
デブコタ ブミナンド
Devkota Bhuminand
Institute Of Agriculture And Animal Science Tribhuvan University
Miyake Y
Iwate Univ. Morioka Jpn
松井 基純
The United Graduate School Of Veterinary Sciences Gifu University
宮本 明夫
Graduate School Of Animal And Food Hygiene Obihiro University Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine
佐々木 基樹
宮本 明夫
Miyamoto Akio
Graduate School Of Animal And Food Hygiene Obihiro Univ. Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine
Bhuminand Devkota
Institute Of Agriculture And Animal Science Tribhuvan University
佐々木 基樹
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