雌仔ウシおよび成熟雌ウシの末梢血中プロジェステロンとエンドセリン濃度の変化 : PGF_<2α>投与の影響
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2001-02-01
小林 修一
帯広畜産大学 畜産科学科・生殖科学研究室
宮本 明夫
アコスタ トマスj
林 加奈子
小林 修一
宮本 明夫
宮本 明夫
大谷 昌之
沖 直子
谷村 弥由根
Acosta Tomas
Graduate School Of Natural Science And Technology Okayama University
大谷 昌之
大谷 昌之
林 加奈子
大谷 昌之
Acosta T
Department Of Theriogenology Obihiro University Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine
Miyamoto Akio
Graduate School Of Animal And Food Hygiene Obihiro Univ. Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine
Kobayashi S
Obihiro University Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine
- Gene Expression of 11β-HSD and Glucocorticoid Receptor in the Bovine (Bos taurus) Follicle During Follicular Maturation and Atresia: The Role of Follicular Stimulating Hormone
- Classification of Bovine Follicles Based on the Concentrations of Steroids, Glucose and Lactate in Follicular Fluid and the Status of Accompanying Follicles
- Expression of VEGF and Its Receptors in the Bovine Endometrium Throughout the Estrous Cycle : Effects of VEGF on Prostaglandin Production in Endometrial Cells
- Development of an Enzyme Immunoassay for Urinary Pregnanediol-3-Glucuronide in a Female Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)
- Vascular Changes in the Corpus Luteum During Early Pregnancy in the Cow
- ウシ優性卵胞と閉鎖卵胞の卵胞液中におけるN-アセチルグルコサミニルトランスフェラーゼI活性の解析
- Prostaglandin F_ Differentially Affects mRNA Expression Relating to Angiogenesis, Vasoactivation and Prostaglandins in the Early and Mid Corpus Luteum in the Cow
- ウシ成熟卵胞内におけるGnRH投与による排卵時期の Fibroblast Growth Factor 1 (FGF1) およびFGF7遺伝子発現の変化
- eCG/hCG処理した未成熟雌マウスの卵巣におけるPin1(ペプチジルプロピルイソメラーゼ)の発現
- eCG/hCG処理した未成熟雌マウスの卵巣におけるPin1(ペプチジルプロピルイソメラーゼ)の発現
- 非繁殖季節のめん羊における異なる3種の発情・排卵誘起法の比較
- フリーストール牛舎飼養乳牛群における毎月の跛行スクリーニングと削蹄によるフットケアプログラムの効果
- 定期的削蹄が正常搾乳牛の乳生産に及ぼす影響
- フリーストール牛舎飼養乳牛の蹄形状,蹄底潜在病変形成および蹄病発生に及ぼす削蹄効果
- 卵胞の大きさおよび体外成熟培養時間がウシ卵母細胞の体外発生におよぼす影響
- ニホンジカ (Cervus nippon) 成熟雄における血清LHおよびテストステロン濃度の周年変化
- ウシ生体を用いた黄体形成期における黄体内のプロスタグランジン(PG)F2αおよびPGE2濃度の経時的変化
- MDSを用いた馬主席卵胞のLHとPGF_感作試験(臨床繁殖学)
- 雌仔ウシおよび成熟雌ウシの末梢血中プロジェステロンとエンドセリン濃度の変化 : PGF_投与の影響
- 磁気誘導薬剤配送システムを用いた磁性薬剤の血管内集積に関する研究
- ウシ生体を用いた黄体形成期における黄体内のプロスタグランジン(PG)F2αおよびPGE2濃度の経時的変化
- 二回目の若手企画シンポジウムに参加して
- ウシ黄体化顆粒層細胞におけるアンギオテンシン2の生産および分泌機能への作用の欠如
- ウシ主席卵胞のLHサージへの暴露は黄体形成に不可欠である
- Angiotensin II Secretion by the Bovine Oviduct is Stimulated by Luteinizing Hormone and Ovarian Steroids
- Distribution of Arteriolovenous Vessels, Capillaries and eNOS Expression in the Bovine Corpus Luteum During the Estrous Cycle : a Possible Implication of Different Sensitivity by Luteal Phase to PGF_ in the Increase of Luteal Blood Flow
- A novel concept for the bovine luteolytic cascade with a focus on luteal blood flow and vasoactive factors
- Effect of Suckling on the Reproductive Performance and Metabolic Status of Obese Japanese Black Cattle during the Early Postpartum Period
- Local mechanisms for luteolysis in the cow : Novel roles of vasoactive substances in the luteolytic cascade within the corpus luteum
- Metabolic Profiles in Ovulatory and Anovulatory Primiparous Dairy Cows during the First Follicular Wave Postpartum
- 帯広畜産大学附属農場における乳牛個体情報集積システムについて
- フリーストール牛舎飼養乳牛における削蹄後の後肢蹄形状変化と蹄底潜在病変
- Acute Changes in Circulating Concentrations of Progesterone and Nitric Oxide and Partial Pressure of Oxygen During Prostaglandin F_-induced Luteolysis in Cattle
- 性成熟時および性成熟後のホルスタイン種雄牛における月齢,体重,精巣周囲長,精液性状および血中テストステロンとエストラジオール-17β濃度の関連性(臨床繁殖学)
- Genital Blood Flow and Endometrial Gene Expression During the Preovulatory Period after Prostaglandin F_-Induced Luteolysis in Different Luteal Phases in Cows
- Distribution of Arteriolovenous Vessels, Capillaries and eNOS Expression in the Bovine Corpus Luteum During the Estrous Cycle: a Possible Implication of Different Sensitivity by Luteal Phase to PGF2 α in the Increase of Luteal Blood Flow
- Changes in the Vasculature of Bovine Corpus Luteum During the Estrous Cycle and Prostaglandin F2α-induced Luteolysis
- Possible Roles of Intracellular Cyclic AMP, Protein Kinase C and Calcium Ion in the Apoptotic Signaling Pathway in Bovine Luteal Cells
- Changes in the Messenger RNA Expressions of the Endothelin-1 and Angiotensin Systems in Mature Follicles of the Superovulated Bovine Ovary
- In Vitroでのオゾンガス投与後の牛血液および乳汁中の多形核白血球の貪食能(短報)
- 周産期の未経産牛と新生子牛の甲状腺機能に対する硝酸塩の影響
- 発情周期におけるウシ子宮内膜のIGF-IおよびEGFの局在に関する免疫組織化学的研究
- Prostaglandin F_ Regulates the Nitric Oxide Generating System in Bovine Luteal Endothelial Cells
- ウシ形成期黄体において、プロスタグランジンF2αはプロジェステロン生成のためのリポプロテイン利用性を増加させる
- 生体微透析システムを用いてウシ黄体内に灌流したPGF2α、TPAおよびカルシウムイオノフォアA23187が黄体のProgesterone放出に及ぼす直接的影響
- Colour Doppler Sonography of Cystic Ovarian Follicles in Cows
- Effect of Intraluteal Injection of Endothelin Type A Receptor Antagonist on PGF_-induced Luteolysis in the Cow
- 卵胞成長の最終的な時期のウシ卵胞内のアンギオテンシンおよびエンドセリン・システム要因のmRNA発現
- ウシ胎子卵巣における前胞状卵胞の発育と血中ホルモン濃度の動態
- Nitric oxide in bovine corpus luteum : Possible mechanisms of action in luteolysis
- Effective Oxytocin Treatment on Placental Expulsion after Foaling in Heavy Draft Mares(Theriogenology)
- Relationship between Peripartal Plasma Oxytocin and Prostaglandin F_ Metabolite and Placental Expulsion Time in Heavy Draft Mares
- A Potential Use of Color Ultrasound as a Tool for Reproductive Management : New Observations Using Color Ultrasound Scanning that were not Possible with Imaging Only in Black and White
- Relationship between the First Ovulation within Three Weeks Postpartum and Subsequent Ovarian Cycles and Fertility in High Producing Dairy Cows
- Subjecting Holstein Heifers to Stress During the Follicular Phase Following Superovulatory Treatment May Increase the Female Sex Ratio of Embryos
- Prostaglandin F2α Differentially Affects mRNA Expression Relating to Angiogenesis, Vasoactivation and Prostaglandins in the Early and Mid Corpus Luteum in the Cow
- Expression of mRNA for Cell Adhesion Molecules in the Bovine Corpus Luteum During the Estrous Cycle and PGF_-Induced Luteolysis
- ウシ胎子卵巣における前胞状卵胞の発育と血中ホルモン濃度の動態
- Induction of Ovulation with GnRH and PGF_ at Two Different Stages During the Early Postpartum Period in Dairy Cows : Ovarian Response and Changes in Hormone Concentrations
- 生後性成熟過程のウシ潜在精巣におけるα-SMAおよび vimentin の免疫組織化学的局在パターンの異常
- 乳牛と新生子牛の血中ビタミン B_1、B_2、B_6 および B_ 濃度
- ウシにおいて排卵前の卵胞内でコルチゾールの局所産生が増加する生体内での証拠
- ウシ卵管上皮細胞が分泌する可溶型N-アセチルグルコサミニルトランスフェラーゼ1:LH,VEGFおよびTNFαによる分泌刺激効果
- 雌仔ウシおよび成熟雌ウシの末梢血中プロジェステロンとエンドセリン濃度の変化:PGF2α投与の影響
- 不妊発情周期における周期回帰のメカニズム
- 体外受精および活性化処理されたウシ卵細胞質内カルシウムイオンの動態
- Development and Evaluation of a Rapid Enzyme-immunoassay System for Measurement of the Urinary Concentration of Estrone-3-glucuronide in a Female Giant Panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca)
- 短時間保存後の牛卵胞卵子の体外成熟〔英文〕
- ウシ黄体の形成と退行 : 古くて新しい血管と黄体機能の関係
- 1999年度島村賞受賞講演論文 Paracrine/autocrine機構による反芻家畜の卵胞・黄体機能調節に関する研究
- 乳液状塩化カルシウム製剤の経口投与が乳牛の血清ミネラル濃度に与える影響
- Effects of Prostaglandin F_ and Nitric Oxide on the Secretory Function of Bovine Luteal Cells
- Differential Effect of Follicle-Stimulating Hormone and Estradiol on Expressions of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) 120, VEGF164 and Their Receptors in Bovine Granulosa Cells
- Testicular Blood Flow and Plasma Concentrations of Testosterone and Total Estrogen in the Stallion after the Administration of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
- Comparison of Estrus Induction and Subsequent Fertility with Two Different Intravaginal Devices in Ewes during the Non-Breeding Season
- 体外受精および活性化処理されたウシ卵細胞質内カルシウムイオンの動態
- Changes in Plasma Metabolic Hormone Concentrations During the Ovarian Cycles of Japanese Black and Holstein Cattle
- In Vivo Evidence that Local Cortisol Production Increases in the Preovulatory Follicle of the Cow
- Metabolic Profiles in Ovulatory and Anovulatory Primiparous Dairy Cows During the First Follicular Wave Postpartum
- Production of Trophoblastic Vesicles Derived From Day 7 and 8 Blastocysts of In Vitro Origin and the Effect of Intrauterine Transfer on the Interestrous Intervals in Japanese Black Heifers
- ウシ成熟卵胞を微透析した灌流液中におけるGnRH-immunoreactivityの存在
- Changes in Follicular Vascularity during the First Follicular Wave in Lactating Cows
- 発情周期中およびプロスタグランジンF2α投与後のウシ黄体内でのアンジオポエチンと受容体TieのmRNA発現の変化:黄体退行開始機構への関与の可能性
- ウシ卵胞発育中の顆粒層細胞におけるアンジオポエチン-Tie系のmRNA発現
- Effects of Tumor Necrosis Factor α and Interferon γ on the Viability and mRNA Expression of TNF Receptor Type I in Endothelial Cells from the Bovine Corpus Luteum
- Comparative Activities of Growth Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone in the Direct Stimulation of Local Release of Progesterone from Microdialyzed Ovine Corpora Lutea In Vivo
- 不妊発情周期における周期回帰のメカニズム
- Local Release of Progesterone and Oxytocin from Microdialyzed Corpus Luteum in Superovulated Ewes : Characterization during the Non-breeding Season
- Exposure of C57BL/6J Male Mice to an Electric Field Improves Copulation Rates with Superovulated Females
- Relationships Between the First Ovulation Postpartum and Polymorphism in Genes Relating to Function of Immunity, Metabolism and Reproduction in High-producing Dairy Cows
- 高泌乳牛の泌乳ピークと持続性が繁殖機能に及ぼす影響
- Intraluteal Release of Progesterone and Prostaglandins during PGF_-Induced Luteolysis in Ewes : Local Effects of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α
- 生体微透析システムを用いてウシ黄体内に灌流したPGF2α、TPAおよびカルシウムイオノフォアA23187が黄体のProgesterone放出に及ぼす直接的影響
- ホルスタイン種乳用牛の周産期における血液と乳成分および体重の変動と分娩後の卵巣活動の関連性
- Basal Levels and GnRH-induced Responses of Peripheral Testosterone and Estrogen in Holstein Bulls with Poor Semen Quality
- 乳牛の分娩後早期初回排卵の有無を決定する分娩前後の栄養代謝状態
- Upregulation of Interferon-stimulated Genes and Interleukin-10 in Peripheral Blood Immune Cells During Early Pregnancy in Dairy Cows
- 乳牛の分娩後早期におけるエストラジオール処置による卵巣機能回復促進効果
- Nutritional Factors That Regulate Ovulation of the Dominant Follicle During the First Follicular Wave Postpartum in High-producing Dairy Cows
- 濃厚飼料の急激な増給や粗飼料品質変動が乳牛の健康と繁殖に及ぼす影響