Basal Levels and GnRH-induced Responses of Peripheral Testosterone and Estrogen in Holstein Bulls with Poor Semen Quality
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The present study investigated the basal levels and GnRH-induced responses of peripheral testosterone and estrogen in Holstein bulls with poor semen quality. On the basis of semen parameters, bulls (n=5) having poor semen quality were selected as experimental bulls, and good semen quality bulls (n=4) were used as control bulls. Both groups were treated intramuscularly once with GnRH (250 μg of fertirelin acetate). Blood samples were collected at -1 day (d), -30 min and 0 h (treatment) followed by every 30 min for 5 h and 1, 3 and 5 d post-GnRH treatment (PGT), and LH, testosterone and estradiol-17β (E2) concentrations were measured. The pretreatment concentrations were used as basal levels. The percentage increments based on the 0-h levels were calculated per bull for each sampling time until 5 h PGT, and differences were compared between the experimental and control groups. The PGT concentrations of testosterone and basal and PGT concentrations of E2 were significantly lower in the experimental group. The testosterone increment in the experimental group was delayed and significantly lower from 1 to 5 h PGT than those in the control group. It can be suggested that bulls with poor semen quality have delayed and lower GnRH-induced testosterone response and may also have lower estrogen levels.
- 2011-06-01
大澤 健司
Genetics Hokkaido
Genetics Hokkaido
居在家 義昭
宮本 明夫
大澤 健司
大澤 健司
岩手大学 農学部
Miyamoto Akio
Graduate School Of Animal And Food Hygiene Obihiro University Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine
宮本 明夫
DEVKOTA Bhuminand
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro University
Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University
OSAWA Takeshi
Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University
Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University
IZAIKE Yoshiaki
Faculty of Agriculture, Iwate University
Department of Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro University
Matsui Motozumi
Lab. Of Theriogenology Dep. Of Applied Veterinary Medicine Obihiro Univ. Of Agriculture And Veterina
Hashizume Tsutomu
Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate University
Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
三宅 陽一
岩手大学 農学部家畜繁殖学研究室
Miyake Yoh‐ichi
Obihiro Univ. Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine Hokkaido
Miyake Y
Laboratory Of Theriogenology Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate University
Amaya Montoya
帯広畜産大学 畜産学研究科畜産衛生学
Devkota Bhuminand
The United Graduate School Of Veterinary Sciences Gifu University
デブコタ ブミナンド
Devkota Bhuminand
Institute Of Agriculture And Animal Science Tribhuvan University
Matsui Motozumi
Department Of Clinically Veterinary Sciences Obihiro University Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medici
大澤 健司
岩手大学農学部 獣医学科
Osawa T
Laboratory Of Theriogenology Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate University
Osawa Takeshi
Laboratory Of Theriogenology Department Of Veterinary Medicine Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate Universi
Miyake Y
Iwate Univ. Morioka Jpn
高橋 健一
Genetics Hokkaido
松井 基純
The United Graduate School Of Veterinary Sciences Gifu University
宮本 明夫
Graduate School Of Animal And Food Hygiene Obihiro University Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine
居在家 義昭
Izaike Y
National Institute Of Agrobiological Sciences
宮本 明夫
Yamagishi Norio
Research Center For Animal Hygiene And Food Safety Obihiro University Of Agriculture And Veterinary
Izaike Yoshiaki
Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate University
Yamagishi Norio
Faculty Of Agriculture Iwate University
Miyamoto Akio
Graduate School Of Animal And Food Hygiene Obihiro Univ. Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine
Miyake Yoh-ichi
Department Of Veterinary Medicine Obihiro University
Devkota Bhuminand
Department Of Veterinary Medicine Obihiro University
Osawa Takeshi
岩手大学 農学部獣医学科獣医臨床繁殖学
Bhuminand Devkota
Institute Of Agriculture And Animal Science Tribhuvan University
Matsui Motozumi
Department Of Clinical Veterinary Science Obihiro University Of Agriculture And Veterinary Medicine
MATSUI Motozumi
Department of Agricultural and Life Science, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
DEVKOTA Bhuminand
Department of Clinical Veterinary Science, The United Graduate School of Veterinary Sciences, Gifu University
Department of Applied Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
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