Large reduction of leakage currents in AlGaN Schottky diodes by a surface control process and its mechanism
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Leakage currents in AlGaN Schottky diodes were investigated systematically by using a rigorous computer simulation based on the thin surface barrier model taking account of unintentionally doped surface donors. The leakage currents in AlGaN Schottky diodes have stronger bias dependence and smaller temperature dependences as compared with those of GaN diodes. It was shown that these features were associated with shallow oxygen donors located near the AlGaN surface. Then, an attempt was made to remove oxygen and suppress leakage currents by a surface control process using an ultrathin Al layer and subsequent annealing. An in situ x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis indicated the formation of Al2O3 layer during the surface control process, suggesting efficient gettering of oxygen from the surface. C-V analysis directly indicated the reduction of shallow donors by the surface control process. A remarkable reduction of reverse leakage currents of four to five orders of magnitude took place in large area AlGaN Schottky diodes after the application of the surface control process. This process also reduced leakage currents of the gate of the heterostructure field effect transistor device by more than one order of magnitude and increased temperature dependences of current. ©2006 American Vacuum Society
- AVS Science & Technology of Materials, Interfaces, and Processingの論文
長谷川 英機
Hasegawa Hideki
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Hokkaido University:department Of Electr
Hasegawa Hideki
Research Center For Interface Quantum Electronics And Faculty Of Engineering Hokkaido University:fac
長谷川 英機
Hozawa H
Department Of Biomedical Engineering Graduate School Of Biomedical Engineering Tohoku University
Hasegawa H
自治医科大学 臨床検査医学
Kotani Junji
Eindhoven Univ. Technol. Eindhoven Nld
Kotani Junji
Research Center For Integrated Quantum Electronics (rciqe) Hokkaido University
Hashizume T
Advanced Research Laboratory Hitachi Ltd.:department Of Physics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Hasegawa Haruhiro
Superconductivity Research Laboratory International Superconductivity Technology Center
Honda Hideyuki
The Faculty Of Medical Science And Welfare Tohoku Bunka Gakuen University
Hasegawa Hideki
Research Center For Integrated Quantum Electronics And Graduate School Of Electronics And Informatio
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