Usefulness of measurement of carotid arterial wall elasticity distribution in detection of early-stage atherosclerotic lesions caused by cigarette smoking
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2006-12-15
小岩 喜郎
Oizumi Memorial Hospital
Department of Internal Medicine, Tohoku Kosai Hospital
KATO Makoto
Panasonic Shikoku Electronics Co., Ltd
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, Tohoku University
KANAI Hiroshi
Department of Electronic Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
Koiwa Yoshiro
Department of Cardiology, Tohoku University School of Medicine
KATO Makoto
Healthcare Business Company, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.
長谷川 英機
Hasegawa Hideki
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Hokkaido University:department Of Electr
Koiwa Yoshiro
東北大学 循環器内科
Koiwa Yoshiro
東北文化学園大学 医療福祉
Koiwa Y
Department Of Electronic Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Tohoku University
Hasegawa Hideki
Research Center For Interface Quantum Electronics And Faculty Of Engineering Hokkaido University:fac
長谷川 英機
Hozawa H
Department Of Biomedical Engineering Graduate School Of Biomedical Engineering Tohoku University
Hasegawa H
自治医科大学 臨床検査医学
Kato Makoto
Panasonic Shikoku Electronics Co. Ltd
Kanai Hiroshi
Education Center For Information Processing Tohoku University
Koiwa Yoshiro
Graduate School Of Medicine Tohoku University
Hasegawa Haruhiro
Superconductivity Research Laboratory International Superconductivity Technology Center
Kanai Hiroshi
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku University
Honda Hideyuki
The Faculty Of Medical Science And Welfare Tohoku Bunka Gakuen University
Koiwa Yoshio
1st Dept. Of Intern. Med. Tohoku Univ.
Yamagishi Toshio
Department Of Internal Medicine Tohoku Kosai Hospital
Hasegawa Hideki
Research Center For Integrated Quantum Electronics And Graduate School Of Electronics And Informatio
Koseki Yoshito
Medical Information Center Tohoku University Hospital
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