Improved imaging of the carotid artery in the short-axis plane by a mechanical scanning ultrasonic probe
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2007-03-15
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, Tohoku University
KANAI Hiroshi
Department of Electronic Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
Hasegawa Hideyuki
自治医科大学 臨床検査医学
Hasegawa Hideyuki
Department Of Electronic Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Tohoku University
KUDO Kazuki
Department of Electronic Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
Kudo Kazuki
Department Of Electronic Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Tohoku University
Kanai Hiroshi
Department Of Electronic Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Tohoku University
Kanai Hiroshi
Education Center For Information Processing Tohoku University
Kanai Hiroshi
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Tohoku University
- 球面拡散ビームを用いた高速超音波心臓断層法
- 3-08P-38 弾性に基づく動脈壁組織分類の径方向ひずみの測定分散の評価による最適化(ポスターセッション 3)
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- Impact of Lifestyle-Related Diseases on Carotid Arterial Wall Elasticity as Evaluated by an Ultrasonic Phased-Tracking Method in Japanese Subjects
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- PJ-302 High-Resolution Measurement of Carotid Artery Wall Elasticity for Clinical Tailor-Made Risk Management of Arteriosclerosis(Atherosclerosis, clinical-09, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Usefulness of measurement of carotid arterial wall elasticity distribution in detection of early-stage atherosclerotic lesions caused by cigarette smoking
- PE-166 Influence of Cardiovascular Risk Factors on Carotid Arterial Elasticity Measured by the Transcutaneous Ultrasonography Using Phased-tracking Method(Atherosclerosis, clinical-7 (H) PE28,Poster Session (English),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific
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- 赤血球凝集度評価を目指した超音波散乱波の周波数スペクトルによる散乱体サイズ推定 (超音波)
- 医用超音波 内皮反応時の橈骨動脈壁粘弾性特性変化計測--高周波超音波による動脈壁応力-ひずみ特性計測と粘弾性係数推定
- 特徴空間における超音波RF信号のクラス分類による心臓の壁領域の自動同定 (超音波)
- 3P5-27 血管壁境界の高精度検出による内皮依存性弛緩反応時の橈骨動脈壁粘弾性特性変化の計測(ポスターセッション)
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- 3P5-2 超音波を用いた生体軟組織加振時の音場のアレイ型線状集束トランスジューサによる改良(ポスターセッション)
- 3J5-1 心臓の高速超音波イメージング(医用超音波)
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- PE-421 Early Detection of Vascular Remodeling by Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers with Carotid Arterial Elastic Modulus in Essentail Hypertension(PE071,Echo/Doppler (Peripheral/Vascular) (I),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of t
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- 超音波メスによる発熱量推定のための軟組織の粘弾性特性推定に関する検討(聴覚・音響信号処理/一般)
- 3P7a-13 心筋収縮拡張特性計測における2次元相関窓長と探索領域の最適化(ポスターセッション)
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- 超音波RF信号のコヒーレンスに基づく心臓壁領域同定
- PE-421 Early Detection of Vascular Remodeling by Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers with Carotid Arterial Elastic Modulus in Essentail Hypertension(PE071,Echo/Doppler (Peripheral/Vascular) (I),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of t
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- 頚動脈壁弾性率計測を用いた喫煙による早期動脈硬化病変の検出
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- 動脈壁の脂質・血栓・線維・石灰化組織の弾性ライブラリの構築
- 動脈壁の長軸方向変位計測のための超音波RF信号の補間法の検討
- Improved imaging of the carotid artery in the short-axis plane by a mechanical scanning ultrasonic probe
- Measurement of angular dependence of ultrasonic echo for estimation of surface roughness (Special issue: Ultrasonic electronics)
- P2-55 Angular Dependence of Ultrasonic Echo for Imaging Micro-Order Surface Roughness(Poster session 2)
- PE-326 Efficacy of Valsartan on Carotid Arterial Wall Elastic Modulus and Urinary Albumin Excretion in Diabetic Patients(Echo/Doppler(07)(I),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Tissue structure of arterial wall revealed with elasticity imaging
- P2-54 Tissue Classification of Artery Wall Based on Elasticity Distribution in Region of Interest Determined by Spatial Resolution of Ultrasound(Poster session 2)
- P2-41 Tissue Classification of Arterial Wall Based on Correlation Between Regional Elasticity Distributions and Elasticity Histograms of Tissues(Short oral presentation for posters)
- Evaluating the regional elastic modulus of a cylindrical shell with nonuniform wall thickness
- OE-249 Effects of changes in Coronary perfusion on Subendocardial contractility Assessed with the novel high-resolution Doppler method(Echo/Doppler 11 (I) : OE31)(Oral Presentation (English))
- 3P-48 静脈内腔からの40MHz超音波散乱波の周波数解析による赤血球凝集度評価(ポスターセッション)
- 3J7b-4 超音波メス使用時の発熱量推定のための軟組織の粘弾性特性推定(医用超音波(その他))
- 超音波メス使用時の軟組織の粘弾性特性推定に関する検討
- 超音波メスによる発熱量推定のための軟組織の粘弾性特性推定に関する検討
- 3P-49 動脈壁境界の自動検出法を用いた内皮反応時の僥骨動脈壁粘弾性特性変化の計測(ポスターセッション)
- 2E-13 心筋収縮弛緩特性計測を目指した心臓壁2次元運動の高時間分解能計測(医用超音波&水中音響)
- 1Pa-55 超音波RFエコーによる頚動脈壁の表面粗さ高度推定のための拍動による変位の除去(ポスターセッション)
- 1Pa-53 RFエコーの複数の特徴量を用いた心臓壁領域同定の自動化における最適心時相の決定(ポスターセッション)
- 1Pa-51 点散乱体からの超音波信号の解析による断層像間のスライス方向距離推定(ポスターセッション)
- Cross-Sectional Elasticity Imaging of Arterial Wall by Comparing Measured Change in Thickness with Model Waveform
- P2-38 Accurate Ultrasonic Measurement of Surface Profile by Detecting Phase Shift During Scanning(Short oral presentation for posters)
- 次代を担う若者の育成
- AS-2-2 心血管系の高速超音波イメージング(AS-2.アコースティックイメージング技術の新展開,シンポジウムセッション)
- 超音波位相差トラッキング法を用いた一絨毛膜双胎間の循環動態の評価
- 心筋ストレインレート空間分布の高時間分解能計測による収縮・弛緩の遷移過程の描出
- 超音波診断(第4回)血管壁の弾性率断層像イメージング
- Measurement of Rapid Variation in Ultrasound Backscattering During Change in Thickness of Tissue Phantom
- Blood flow structure and dynamics, and ejection mechanism in the left ventricle : Analysis using echo-dynamography
- Measurement and Analysis of Vibrations on Surface of Phantom Induced by Piezoelectric Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripter
- Power Difference in Spectrum of Sound Radiation before and after Break of Phantom by Piezoelectric Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotriptor
- 血流依存性の橈骨動脈壁粘弾性特性変化の超音波計測(医用超音波,アコースティックイメージング)
- PJ-259 Carotid Artery Elasticity Using the Phased-Tracking Method is Useful as a Risk Factor for Ischemic Heart Disease(PJ044,Atherosclerosis (Clinical/Diagnosis) 2 (IHD),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circula
- Sensitivity of the myocardial systolic visco-elastic properties under brief period coronary flow reduction, evaluated by the wave transmission
- PARCORR-Based Time-Dependent AR Spectrum Estimation of Heart Wall Vibrations (Special Section on Advanced Signal Processing Techniques for Analysis of Acoustical and Vibrational Signals)
- High-Resolution Determination of Transit Time of Ultrasound in a Thin Layer in Pulse-Echo Method
- Optimization of Condition of Ultrasonic Beam for Measurement of Small Change in Thickness of Arterial Wall
- Measurement of nonlinear property of artery wall using remote cyclic actuation
- Transmural Histological Heterogeneity and LVEDP Elevation in HCM
- Motivating Basic Research in the University
- Noninvasive Measurement of Stiffness and Density of Bone for Its Diagnosis Using Ultrasound
- A Basic Study on Nondestructive Evaluation of Potatoes Using Ultrasound : Acoustical Measurements and Instrumentation
- Heart murmur transmitted to the myocardium determines ventricular function and transmural myocardial functional heterogeneity
- Relationship between passive thickening of transmural myocardial layer at late diastole and elevated LVEDP in HCM
- Spiral systolic blood flow in the ascending aorta and aortic arch analyzed by echo-dynamography
- Systolic Heterogeneity of Transmural Myocardial Function in Normal Subjects : Physiological Functional Heterogeneity
- Systolic Heterogeneity of Transmural Myocardial Function in Normal Subhects: Physiological Function Heterogeneity
- Spatial Distribution Measurement of Heart Wall Vibrations Generated by Remote Perturbation of Inner Pressure