Use of Focused High-Power 60-GHz Radiation Beams for Advanced Sintering of Ceramics(Physics, Processes, Instruments & Measurements)
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The experimental results of radiation focusing and ceramics sintering using high-power millimeter-wave radiation at 60GHz are reported. Focusing experiments of millimeter-wave radiation from the high-power pulsed 60-GHz gyrotron have been performed using a quasi-optical antenna system (two-dimensional ellipso-parabolic focusing antenna system) to demonstrate the feasibility of power densities as high as 100kW/cm^2. Typical heating characteristics using the focused beam were established for this system. Sintering of yttria-stabilized zirconia (ZrO_2-8mol% Y_2O_3) samples resulted in densification to as high as 97% of theoretical density (TD) using focused 60GHz beam irradiation in pulse operation with a 10-ms pulse duration at a 0.5Hz repetition. The densification temperature for the zirconia could be lowered by 200℃ than that expected conventionally. Sintering of silicon nitride with 3%Al_2O_3 and 5%Y_2O_3 was also performed using the focused 60-GHz beam in pulse irradiation. It was found that the silicon nitride samples sintered at 1600℃ for 30min reached as high as 90% TD, which conventionally requires a sintering temperature as high as 1700℃.
- 大阪大学の論文
節原 裕一
ABE Nobuyuki
Osaka University
Osaka University
KAMAI Masayoshi
Osaka University
Osaka University
Kumagai M
Kanagawa Industrial Technology Research Institute
Kamai Masayoshi
Joining And Welding Research Institute Osaka University
Osaka University
Abe Nobuyuki
Osaka Univ. Osaka Jpn
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