Electron Beam Welding of Zirconium Plate
TOMIE Michio
Osaka University
ABE Nobuyuki
Osaka University
Tomie Michio
Kinki University
Tomie M
Kinki Univ.
HANO Motomu
Hano Motomu
Ube Industries Ltd.
Shirabe Teteumi
Ube Industries Ltd.
Abe Nobuyuki
Osaka Univ. Osaka Jpn
Abe Nobuyuki
Joining And Welding Research Institute Osaka University
Abe N
Joining And Welding Research Institute Osaka University
- Crystal Growth of Rare Earth Pnictides and ZnSe in W and Mo Crucible closed by Electron Beam Welding(Physics, Process, Instruments & Measurements)
- High Speed Welding of Thick Plates using a Laser-Arc Combination System(Physics, Processes, Instruments & Measurements)
- Effect of Laser Beam Irradiation on CO_2 Gas Arc Welding
- Welding of Aluminum Alloy with High Power Direct Diode Laser(Physics, Processes, Instruments & Measurements)
- Effect of Neutron Irradiation on Strength of Electron Beam Welded Joint of JFMS Steel for Fusion Reactor(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- Strength of Candidate Materials for Nuclear Fusion Reactor and Their Electron Beam Welded Joint at Cryogenic Temperature(Mechanics, Strength & Structural Design)
- ECR Plasma in a High Power Millimeter-Wave Beam (Report IV) : Contribution of Higher Harmonic Resonance Heating(Physics, Process & Instrument)
- ECR Plasma in a High Power Millimeter-Wave Beam (Report III) : Difference in Plasma Property by Axial and Radial Launches(Welding Physics, Process & Instrument)
- ECR Plasma in a High Power Millimeter-Wave Beam (Report II) : Time Variation of Electron Density(Welding Physics, Process & Instrument)
- ECR Plasma in a High Power Millimeter-Wave Beam (Report 1)(Welding Physics, Process & Instrument)
- Electron Beam Melting of Aluminum Alloy by Beam Oscillation(Physics, Process, Instrument & Measurement)
- 06-P-12 Effect of Electrical Properties and Microstructures of Pb(Zr, Ti)O_3 Thick Films Prepared by Aerosol Depoisition on CO_2 Laser Radiation
- Electron Beam Welding of Zr_Cu_Ni_Al_ Bulk Glassy Alloys
- Dynamic Observation of Beam Hole during Electron Beam Welding in Carbon Steel(Welding Physics, Process & Instrument)
- Tandem Electron Beam Welding (Report V)(Welding Physics, Processes & Instruments)
- Hydroxyapatite Coating on Titanium Plate with an Ultrafine Particle Beam
- Impact Property at Cryogenic Temperature of Candidate Materials for Fusion Reactor and Their Electron Beam Welded Joints(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- Effect of Neutron Irradiation on Cryogenic Temperature Strength of Aluminum Alloys and Their Electron Beam Welded Joints(Mechanics, Strength & Structural Design)
- Hydroxyapatite Film Formation by Aerosol Deposition Method(Physics, Processes, Instruments & Measurements, INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF JWRI 30TH ANNIVERSARY)
- Formation of Functional Ceramic Films with Ultrafine Particle Beams
- Weldability of 18%Ni Maraging Steel (HT 210) by Ultra High Voltage Electron Beam Welding(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- Suppression Mechanism of Overlapping Defects in High Speed TEB Welding
- High Speed Welding of Thin Stainless Steel Plates by Tandem Electron Beam
- Bending Strength of CO_2 Laser Welded Joints of 87-0X1.20980BFF1F4DP+0l_2O_3 Ceramics
- High Power CO_2 Laser Welding of Al_2O_3 Ceramics(Physics, Process, Instruments & Measurements)
- Characteristics of 500kV Ultra-High Voltage Electron Beam Heat Source (Report II) : Deep Penetration by Flat Position Welding(Physics, Process, Instruments & Measurement)
- Tandem Electron Beam Welding (Report IX) : High Speed Tandem Electron Beam Welding(Physics, Process, Instrument & Measurement)
- High Power CO_2 Laser Cutting and Welding of Ceramics(Physics, Process, Instrument & Measurement)
- Characteristics of 600kV Class Ultra High Voltage Electron Beam Heat Source(Physics, Process, Instrument & Measurement)
- Pulsed Laser Irradiation for Triggered Discharge in Arc Welding System
- Shape Decision of High Energy Density Beam
- Das Laser-Schweissen von Aluminium und Alu-Legierungen
- Some Problems on Laser Plasma Control with Argon Assist Gas
- Fundamental Phenomena in High Power CO_2 Laser (Report II) : Vacuum Laser Welding(Welding Physics, Process & Instrument)
- Fundamental Phenomena in High Power CO_2 Laser Welding (Report I) : Atmospheric Laser Welding(Welding Physics, Process & Instrument)
- Surface Modification of TiO_2-ZrO_2 Layers with Direct Diode Laser(Physics, Processes, Instruments & Measurements)
- Deposition of Hydroxyapatite Film on Titanium by Ultra-fine Particle Beam(Physics, Processes, Instruments & Measurements)
- Materials Processing with High Power Diode Lasers(Physics, Processes, Instruments & Measurements, INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF JWRI 30TH ANNIVERSARY)
- Laser Forming of Thick Steel Plates by a 2kW Diode laser with a Kaleidoscope(Physics, Processes, Instruments & Measurements)
- Development of an LaB_6 Cathode for High Power Electron Beam Welding
- 100KW Klasse-Elektronenstrahlen-SchweiBtechnologie (Bericht II) : Charakterristik der SchweiBraupen und deren Analyse
- Some Properties of 30KW-Class Electron Beam for Welding
- Use of Focused High-Power 60-GHz Radiation Beams for Advanced Sintering of Ceramics(Physics, Processes, Instruments & Measurements)
- Electron Beam Welding of Zirconium Plate
- Effect of Beam Oscillation on Electron Beam Melting
- Surface modification of thermal sprayed coating by direct diode laser (溶射特集号)
- Dynamic Observation of Electron Beam Cladding by High Speed Video Camera
- Effect of Formation Parameters on Layer Properties in Electron Beam Cladding with Powder Feeder
- Formation of Cr_3C_2/Ni-Cr Alloy Layer by an Electron Beam Cladding Method and Evaluation of the Layer Properties
- Formation of W Layers on SiC Ceramics : Study on EB-PVD (report 1)
- Formation of Ni Based Self-Fluxing Alloy Layers by Electron Beam with a Powder Feeder
- Characteristics of WC-Co Layers Produced by the Electron Beam Cladding Method
- Electron Beam Cladding of WC-12%Co Alloy Powder
- Improvement of Sprayed Coatings with Ultra High Voltage EB Melting
- Forming of Thick Steel Plates with Diode Laser
- Welding and Forming of Steel Plates with Diode Laser(Physics, Processes, Instruments & Measurements)
- High speed welding of thin steel plates with high power and high power density diode laser system
- Materials Processing Characteristics of a 2kW Class High Power Density Direct Diode Laser System(Physics, Processes, Instruments & Measurements)
- Development of a 50W Class Direct Diode Laser System for Materials Processing and its Processing Characteristics(Physics, Processes, Instruments & Measurements)
- Combination Mechanism of High Speed Leading Path Laser-Arc Combination Welding(Physics, Processes, Instruments & Measurements)
- Welding Mechanism of Laser-Arc Combination High Speed Welding
- Dynamic Observation of High Speed Laser-Arc Combination Welding of Thick Steel Plates(Physics, Processes, Instruments & Measurements)
- The Effect of Neutron Irradiation on Cryogenic Temperature Strength of High-Mn Steels and Their Electron Beam Welded Joint(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- Structure of ECR Mirror Plasma(Welding Physics, Process & Instrument)
- Measurement of Soft X-ray from Hot Electron Plasma in a Magnetic Field(Welding Physics, Process & Instrument)
- Multichannel Measurement of Soft X-ray with MCP and OMA System(Welding Physics, Process & Instrument)
- Tandem Electron Beam Welding (Report VII)(Welding Physics, Process & Instrument)
- Tandem Electron Beam Welding (Report VI) : Spatterless Welding of SUS 304(Welding Physics, Process & Instrument)
- Tandem Electron Beam Welding (Report IV) : Analysis of Beam Hole Behaviour by Transmission X-ray Method(WELDING PHYSICS, PROCESSES AND INSTRUMENTS)
- Observations of plume spectra during CO_2 laser irradiation
- 100KW Class Electron Beam Welding Technology (Report III) : Characteristics of Deep Penetration Bead and its Analysis
- Tandem Electron Beam Welding (Report VIII) : Control of Molten Metal Flow(Physics, Process, Instrument & Measurement)
- Electron Beam Cladding of Cu Foil on Carbon Steel Plates
- 100-KW Class Electron Beam Welding Technology (Report I) : Welding Apparatus and Some Aspects as A Heat Source
- 100kW Class Electron Beam Welding Technology (Report IV) : Fundamental Research on Horizontal Electron Beam Welding(Welding Physics, Processes & Instruments)
- Application of 500kV Ultra High Voltage E.B. to Surface Modification of Carbon Steel
- Formation of Fine Particles of Tungsten by Electron Beam
- Mechanical Properties of Electron Beam Welds of Heavy Section Steel Plates(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- Some Problems of the Weldability of High Strength Thick Plate Steels Subjected to Electron Beam Welding(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- Mechanical Properties of Electron Beam Welds of Centrifugal Casting Steel Plates(Materials, Metallurgy & Weldability)
- Crystal Growth of Rare-Earth Compounds with Tungsten Crucible Welding by Electron Beam(Physics, Process, Instrument & Measurement)
- Electron Beam Cladding of Titanium on Stainless Steel Plate(Physics, Process, Instrument & Measurement)
- Micro Welding of Thin Cu Foils with a Direct Diode Laser
- Laser Surface Modification of Stainless Steel : Alloying with Molybdenum(Physics, Process, Instruments & Measurements)
- Observation of Molten Metal Flow during EB Welding(Physics, Process & Instrument)
- Fundamental Study of Tandem Electron Beam Welding for Nuclear Fusion and Fission Reactors
- Periodic microstructures formation on plastic plate by aerosol beam irradiation (溶射特集号)
- Formation of Ni-base self-fusing layers with using direct diode laser (溶射特集号)
- Formation of Hard Surfacing Layers by Electron Beam Cladding with Powder Feeder
- Formation of hydroxyapatite/titania composite film with two aerosol beams (大気圧プラズマを用いたナノマテリアル開発--小特集号)
- Formation of Hard Surfacing Layers of WC-Co with Electron Beam Cladding Method
- Tandem Electron Beam Welding (Report III) : Analysis of Front Wall of Beam Hole by Beam Hole X-ray Observation Method(Welding Physics, Processes & Instruments)
- Beam Characteristics of a 10W Class Direct Diode Laser System for Materials Processing