Multichannel Measurement of Soft X-ray with MCP and OMA System(Welding Physics, Process & Instrument)
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Position sensitive multichannel measurement of 4keV soft x-ray was carried out using microchannel plate (MCP) and optical multichannel analyzer (OMA). X-ray image by MCP was converted to visible one through phosphor and detected by OMA as electrical signal. Dependence of sensitivity and spatial resolution of MCP on the x-ray incident angle was measured in detail and it was found that the latter was limited essentially by the electron divergence in the region between MCP and phosphor. Transparent photocathode was mounted in front of MCP to improve gain reduction for obliquely incident x-ray at a large angle. Favorable improvement in the sensitivity was obtained and its incident angle dependence was fairly removed without any reduction in the spatial resolution of the detection system.
- 大阪大学の論文
Arata Y
Osaka Univ. Osaka Jpn
ABE Nobuyuki
Osaka University
ARATA Yoshiaki
Osaka University
Osaka University
Welding Research Institute, Osaka University
ABE Nobuyuki
Welding Research Institute, Osaka University
Osaka University
Abe Nobuyuki
Welding Research Institute Osaka University
Arata Yoshiaki
Welding Research Institute Osaka University
Abe Nobuyuki
Osaka Univ. Osaka Jpn
Kishimoto H
Hiroshima Univ. Hiroshima Jpn
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