An Unambiguous Assignment and Structural Analysis Using Solution NMR Experiments of O-Antigen from Escherichia coli ATCC23505 (Serotype O9)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Bacterial lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia coli O9 (O9 LPS) has various characteristic biological activities other than endotoxic activities. The biological activities exhibited depend on the structure of the O-antigen. The O-antigen region of O9 LPS is composed of the mannose homopolysaccharide (MHP). This structure was reported previously, but not all its proton and carbon signals were assigned. In the present study, we completely as sign all proton and carbon signals of the O-antigen of O9 LPS using ^1H- and ^<13>C-NMR spectroscopy, including the DQF-COSY, TOCSY, NOESY, HSQC, H2BC, HSQC-TOCSY and HMBC methods.
- 2007-07-01
三浦 典子
Manabe Noriyoshi
International Clinical Research Center Research Institute International Medical Center Of Japan
Laboratory far Immunopharmacology of Microbial Products, School of Pharmacy, Tokyo University of Pha
Laboratory far Immunopharmacology of Microbial Products, School of Pharmacy, Tokyo University of Pha
ADACHI Yoshiyuki
Laboratory far Immunopharmacology of Microbial Products, School of Pharmacy, Tokyo University of Pha
OHNO Naohito
Laboratory far Immunopharmacology of Microbial Products, School of Pharmacy, Tokyo University of Pha
Ohno Naohito
東京薬科大学 免疫学
Ohno Naohito
東京薬科大学 薬 微生物
Ohno Naohito
Lab. For Immunopharmacology Of Microbial Products School Of Pharmacy Tokyo Univ. Of Pharmacy And Lif
Ohno N
Laboratory For Immunopharmacology Of Microbial Products School Of Pharmacy Tokyo University Of Pharm
Miura N
Laboratory For Immunopharmacology Of Microbial Products School Of Pharmacy Tokyo University Of Pharm
Nagi-miura Noriko
東京薬科大学 薬学部免疫学
Nagi Miura
Laboratory For Immunopharmacology Of Microbial Products School Of Pharmacy Tokyo University Of Pharm
Adachi Yoshiyuki
東京薬科大学 免疫学
Adachi Y
Tokyo Univ. Pharmacy And Life Sci. Tokyo Jpn
Adachi Yoshiyuki
Laboratory Far Immunopharmacology Of Microbial Products School Of Pharmacy Tokyo University Of Pharm
Adachi Yoshiyuki
Laboratory For Immunopharmacology Of Microbial Products School Of Pharmacy Tokyo University Of Pharm
Ohno Naohito
Laboratory Of Immunopharmacology Of Microbial Products School Of Pharmacy Tokyo University Of Pharma
Ohno Naohito
Laboratory For Immunopharmacology Of Microbial Products Tokyo University Of Pharmacy And Life Scienc
Ohno Naohito
Tokyo College Of Pharmacy:the Tokyo Metropolitan Research Laboratory Of Public Health
Ohno N
Laboratory Of Immunopharmacology Of Microbial Products School Of Pharmacy Tokyo University Of Pharma
Tada Rui
Laboratory For Immunopharmacology Of Microbial Products School Of Pharmacy Tokyo University Of Pharm
Adachi Yoshiyuki
Laboratory For Immunopharmacology Of Microbial Products Tokyo University Of Pharmacy And Life Scienc
Nagi Miura
Laboratory For Immunopharmacology Of Microbial Products School Of Pharmacy Tokyo University Of Pharm
Ohno Naohito
Laboratory For Immunopharmacology Of Microbial Products School Of Pharmacy Tokyo University Of Pharm
- An Unambiguous Assignment and Structural Analysis Using Solution NMR Experiments of O-Antigen from Escherichia coli ATCC23505 (Serotype O9)
- CAWS血管炎惹起の分子メカニズム
- Inactivation of (1→3)-β-D-Glucan in Mice
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- Activation of Murine Kupffer Cells by Administration with Gel-Forming (1→3)-β-D-Glucan from Grifola frondosa
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- Tissue Distribution of Intraperitoneally Administered (1→3)-β-D-Glucan (SSG), a Highly Branched Antitumor Glucan, in Mice
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- Oxidative Degradation of an Antitumor (1-3)-β-D-Glucan, Grifolan
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- Saccharomyces cerevisiae- and Candida albicans-Derived Mannan Induced Production of Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha by Human Monocytes in a CD14- and Toll-Like Receptor 4-Dependent Manner
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- Increased Inhibitory Capacity of an Anti-C5a Complementary Peptide Following Acetylation of N-terminal Alanine
- Chemistry and Bioligy of Angiitis Inducer, Candida albicans Water-Soluble Mannoprotein-β-Glucan Complex (CAWS)
- PJ-525 The Cardiac Function of CAWS-induced Aortitis in DBA/2 Mouse, As a Model of Heart Failure(Infection/Inflammation/Immunity(03)(I),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
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- Signal Transduction Pathway on β-Glucans-Triggered Hydrogen Peroxide Production by Murine Peritoneal Macrophages in Vitro
- Administration of human immunoglobulin suppresses development of murine systemic vasculitis induced with Candida albicans water-soluble fraction : an animal model of Kawasaki disease
- Soy Isoflavone Aglycone Modulates Expression of Cell Surface Antigens in Vitro and in Vivo
- Involvement of Branched Units at Position 6 in the Reactivity of a Unique Variety of β-D-Glucan from Aureobasidium pullulans to Antibodies in Human Sera
- Soy Isoflavone Aglycone Modulates Expression of Cell Surface Antigens in Vitro and in Vivo
- Effect of GM-CSF on cytokine induction by soluble β-glucan SCG in vitro in β-glucan-treated mice
- Characterization of rat β-glucan receptor dectin-1
- マウス脾細胞における beta-glucan 応答性遺伝子の網羅的解析
- Anti-fungal Cell Wall β-glucan Antibody in Animal Sera
- Kjellmaniella crassifolia Miyabe (Gagome) Extract Modulates Intestinal and Systemic Immune Responses
- The influence of β-glucan on the growth and cell wall architecture of Aspergillus spp.
- P-063 無脊椎動物β-グルカン認識タンパク質の結合活性におけるグルカン構造特異性の解析(一般演題(ポスター発表),基礎から臨床へ、臨床から基礎への提案)
- P-068(O2-2-5) 補体C5欠損マウスを用いたCAWS血管炎の検討(カンジダの基礎と臨床(2),一般演題(ポスター発表),基礎から臨床へ、臨床から基礎への提案)
- P-058(O2-1-3) ヒト白血球におけるβ-グルカン応答性因子の検討(カンジダの基礎と臨床(1),一般演題(ポスター発表),基礎から臨床へ、臨床から基礎への提案)
- P-056(O2-1-1) Candida albicans可溶性多糖画分CAWS投与マウス肝臓における遺伝子発現の網羅的解析(カンジダの基礎と臨床(1),一般演題(ポスター発表),基礎から臨床へ、臨床から基礎への提案)
- S4-1 真菌感染防御における好中球由来の活性酸素の役割(真菌と感染防御,基礎・臨床シンポジウム4,基礎から臨床へ、臨床から基礎への提案)
- Kjellmaniella crassifolia Miyabe (Gagome) Extract Modulates Intestinal and Systemic Immune Responses
- 好中球機能異常による感染防御能の低下と炎症の誘発
- 病原性真菌Candida albicans菌体外多糖CAWSによって惹起される血管炎に関する研究
- 病原性真菌 Candida albicans 菌体外多糖CAWSによって惹起される血管炎に関する研究
- Vasculitis and anaphylactoid shock in mice induced by the polysaccharide fraction secreted into culture supernatants by the fungus Candida metapsilosis
- 病原性真菌CandidaならびにAspergillusの細胞壁βグルカンに対するヒト血中抗体価及びエピトープ解析
- カンジダ細胞壁βグルカン、CSBGに対する血中抗体価測定およびエピトープ解析
- P-099 病原性真菌Candida albicans由来多糖CAWSの静脈内投与により惹起される血管炎の解析(一般演題(ポスター発表),生態と進化から考える医真菌学)
- P-098 CAWS血管炎のA/Jマウスを用いた解析(一般演題(ポスター発表),生態と進化から考える医真菌学)
- P-097 自然免疫系βグルカン結合タンパクのグルカン構造特異性(一般演題(ポスター発表),生態と進化から考える医真菌学)
- P-088(SS6-4) カンジダマンナンによる血管炎モデルにおける構造要求性について(一般演題(ポスター発表),生態と進化から考える医真菌学)
- P-087 カンジタ感染患者における抗β-グルカン抗体価のアイソタイプ別の検討(一般演題(ポスター発表),生態と進化から考える医真菌学)
- 好中球機能異常による感染防御能の低下と炎症の誘発
- 内因性エンドトキシンショックモデルへのNO合成酵素阻害剤投与の影響について