- 論文の詳細を見る
Spinach was stored in the dark at 5,20 or 30℃ with or without polyethylene wrapping in order to investigate the changes in fine structure of chloroplasts of stored spinach leaves. Samples were cut out from the same site of mature leaves, and fixed by glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide. The specimens were embedded in Epok 812 and then examined by means of a light microscope and a transmission clectron microscope. Chlorophyll contents of the same samples were also measured. After storage for 3 days, degradation was observed in the fine structure of chloroplasts of both wrapped and un-wrapped spinach. This degradation process took place almost in the same manner, though the speed of degradation varied from sample to sample. During the first stage, starch granules disappeared from the chloroplasts, and during the second stage the chloroplasts were globular in shape, in which grana and thylakoids were deviatorily gathered on the inner side of the cells. During the third stage, grana began to unstac, thylakoids assumed a random arrangement, chloroplasts dropped into a large vacuole after the disruption of the tonoplast, and finally, when the chloroplasts were punctured, the contents dispersed into the vacuole. Degradation of the chloroplasts was enhanced by storing without wrapping at higher temperatures. The residual rate of chlorophyll was higher when stored with wrapping at lower temperatures. The degradation features in the fine structure of chloroplasts closely corresponded to the degradation degrees of freshness of stored spinach.
- 社団法人日本家政学会の論文
- 1992-01-15
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