愛媛県における小学生の食生活に関する調査研究 (その2) : 摂取食品, 食事タイプからみた食生活
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We have surveyed about their eating habits 364 boys and girls of the 5th and 6th grades in 10 schools of Ehime. The substance of the survey was on the number of food intakes and the types of meal combinations of one or one or more staple food and one or more side dish(es). We have analysed the statistics in relation to their own eating habits. Obtained results were as follows:1) 21.3% of the pupils consumed 30 kinds of food or more per day;2) those pupils consuming more than 30 kind of food daily actually varied within more groups of food, noodles excepted, than the others; 3) the food group with the higher related number of food intake consisted of green and yellow as well as light-colored vegetable, fish and shellfish, fruit, sugar (p < 0.001);4) there are three main reasons infliencing the number of food intake : a) consumption of breakfast, b) home consumption of dairy products (incl. yoghurt), c) attention and care during meals ;5) the interrelationships of eating habits between food groups are as follows : noodles and instant foods ; bread and cakes ; beans or bean products and breakfast ; fish and shellfish and breakfast ; dairy products and liver ; favorite beverages and soft drinks.6) the ideal meal ("Meal Type 1"), consisting of one or more staple food (rice, noodles, bread, etc.), one or more main dishes, and side dishes, occurred 4.18 ±1.65 times out of 9 meals ;7) pupils consuming the ideal meal("Meal Type 1")are aware of their eating habits : they have breakfast, they don't watch much tv while eating, they consume fish, green and yellow vegetables, beans and bean products, and seaweeds. they are not necessarily aware of it, but they also consume many of the following foods : sugar, shellfish, dairy products, light-colored vegetables, fruit, etc.
- 松山東雲女子大学・松山東雲短期大学の論文
亀岡 恵子
峰 弘子
小川 時江
峰 弘子
山上 ユリ子
小川 時江
亀岡 恵子
山上 ユリ子
小川 時江
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