- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this research is to examine the preparation of ice cream which utilizes one of the Yamano-imo's characteristics such as foaminess with viscosity and also evaluate physiological effectiveness of "Yamano-imo Ice Cream." In this study the researcher takes two methods, "Method A" and "Method B", for makingathe ice cream containing Yamano-imo as an ingredient. (1) Method A iscalled Non-heating method. It means the researcher utilized grated Yamano-imo for making the ice cream. (2) Method B is called Heating method. It means the researcher made the ice cream containing Yamano-imo produced by a different say as conpared with the way described above. In other words, in the process for making the ice cream Yamano-imo contained in the ice cream was made as follows : it was dried first, powdered, and heated up with adding water. The results of this research were as follows : (1) As compared apparent specific gravity of ice cream made by Method A with that made by Method B, the apparent specific gravity of ice cream made by Method A was lower than that by Method B. In addition, the ice cream made by Method A contained plenty of air bubbles inside itself. Moreover, the apparent specific gravity of ice cream made by Method A was equivalent to that of the controlled ice cream. (0.74g/cc) (2) As regards a melting volume, under Method A it proportionately increased as a volume of egg albumen and fresh cream contained in the ice cream in the ice cream increased on one hand. Under Method B it inversely decreased as a volume of Yamano-imo contained in that increased. (3) As regards a perceptual test examined by subjects, they highly preferred the ice cream contained a maximum 40% Yamano-imo under Method A on one hand. They also preferred the ice cream contained a maximum 20% Yamano-imo under Method B on the other hand. (4) As regards physiological effectiveness, all 9 subjects were repuested to eat a 75g ice cream made by Method A per day for 5 days. After 5 days 9 subjedts indicated that became better than before.
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