スパイスに関する研究(第2報) : 地域別嗜好の関連性
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We conducted a survey on spices with the mothers of our junior college students as its subjects. The relationships between regional areas and preference of spiced foods were statistically examined by using the test of goodness of fit. The results were as follows : 1) Interest in spices, stew, steak, and hamburger among the spiced foods were found to be significant in the eastern part , the middle part, and the southern part of Ehime.(P<0.05) 2) Frequency of spice use, the effect of spice use, and steak among the spiced foods between the eastern and middle parts of Ehime and the southern part of Ehime were found to be significant.(P<0.05) 3) Interest in spices, reputation of spices, stew, steak, and hamburger among the spiced foods between the eastern and southern parts of Ehime and the middle part of Ehime were found to be significant.(P<0.05) 4) What were found to be insignificant were differences in the image of spices, the frequency of spice use, the desire for the knowledge of spices and other things including soup,gratin, salad, spagetti, pilaff, cake and cookies among the spiced foods. In the above items, there were regional differences for the taste of spiced foods.
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