アズキ, インゲンマメ, ラッカセイおよびダイズから得た餡のテクスチャーと顕微鏡的構造
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A comparative study was made on the textural properties, sensory attributes and microstructure of unsweetened and sweetened "An" (bean paste) prepared from four kinds of legumes, i.e., azuki beans, kidney beans, peanuts and soybeans. Azuki bean "An" had low stickiness and high dispersibility in the mouth, and was evaluated as the most tasty. Kidney bean "An" had significantly high granularity, whereas both peanut "An" and soybean "An" had high stickiness and smoothness. Optical photomicrographs of epoxy resin-embedded sections of the samples showed marked thickenings in partial areas of the cell wall surrounding the granules of kidney bean "An," and this phenomenon might have been the cause of the high granularity. Although the "An" granules from both azuki beans and kidney beans were of spherical shape by cryo-SEM observation, the "An" granules from both peanuts and soybeans showed tensionless features. This might have been the cause of the smoother mouth feeling of peanut and soybean "An" than that of azuki bean and kidney bean "An." Low-vacuum SEM observation showed the presence of intergranular substances in the unsweetened and sweetened "An," which accounts for their stickiness. Many lipid droplets oozing out of the "An" granules were apparent in the intergranular substances of sweetened peanut "An," which might have been related to the highly rated flavor and smoothness of peanut "An."
- 1999-04-15
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