炭化水素資化性菌に関する研究 : 石油廃液の微生物処理について
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A study of the microbial treatment of spindle oil waste was undertaken. Samples of microorganisms utilizng spindle oil waste were obtained from various type of sewage and oily soil with high frequency of 52〜53%. These microorganisms could not grow in waste alone. It was proved that some other factors are required for their growth. The activated sludge with a 71.5% waste removal rate was obtained by adding a 0.1% yeast extract to the medium. The optimum concentration of a waste solution under the condition employed was about 300 ppm as COD. In general, sludges formed showed a tendency to better their removal rates by repeating the treatment for several times.Microfloras in sludges were examined and found them to be of simple composition. The ability to utilize various hydrocarbons of isolates was investigated and it was found that a number of strains in the isolates were able to assimilate n-octadecance, n-heptadecane and phenanthrene as substrates to a good extent.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1968-01-25
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