Novel Method Using Phytase for Separating Soybean β-Conglycinin and Glycinin
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A novel method for separating soybean β-conglycinin and glycinin from defatted soymilk by a phytase treatmeat was developed. Phytase was added to defatted soymilk (1000FYT/100 g of protein) at pH 6.0,and the mixture incubated for 1 h at 40℃. This procedure separated β-conglycinin and glycinin without needing a reducing agent or cooling into the soluble and insoluble fractions, respectively. Simultaneously, most of the phytate in both proteins was removed.
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
- 2001-04-23
Saito T
Univ. Tokyo Jpn
Takamatsu Kiyoharu
Novelty Materials Research Institute Hannan R&d Center Fuji Oil
Kito M
Food Science Research Institute Fuji Oil Co. Ltd.
KITO Makoto
Emeritus Professor of Kyoto University
Kohno M
Food Science Research Institute Fuji Oil Co. Ltd.
SAITO Tsutomu
New Ingredients Research Institute, Tsukuba R&D Center, Fuji Oil Co.Ltd.
KOHNO Mitsutaka
New Ingredients Research Institute, Tsukuba R&D Center, Fuji Oil Co.Ltd.
TSUMURA Kazunobu
New Ingredients Research Institute, Tsukuba R&D Center, Fuji Oil Co.Ltd.
New Ingredients Research Institute, Tsukuba R&D Center, Fuji Oil Co.Ltd.
Kugimiya W
New Ingredients Research Institute Tsukuba R&d Center Fuji Oil Co. Ltd.
Kugimiya Wataru
New Ingredients Research Institute Tsukuba R&d Center Fuji Oil Co. Ltd.
Tsumura Kazunobu
New Ingredients Research Institute Tsukuba R&d Center Fuji Oil Co. Ltd.
SAITO Tsutomu
New Ingredients Research Institute, Tsukuba R&D Center, Fuji Oil Co., Ltd.
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