Preparation of 3'-Phosphoadenosine 5'-Phospho^<35>S-sulfate Using ATP Sulfurylase and APS Kinase from Bacillus stearothermophilus: Enzymatic Synthesis and Purification
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Radioactive PAPS was synthesized with a predetermined specific activity using enzymes purified from Bacillus stearothermophilus. The reaction system, incorporating 1.5 mCi of ^<35>S-H_2SO_4 and 500 nmol of ATP, produced 582μCi of ^<35>S-PAPS. The synthesized ^<35>S-PAPS was purified by ECTEOLA cellulose chromatography, followed by desalting with DOWEX 50W-X8. The final yield was 206μmol of ^<35>S-PAPS with a radioactivity of 411μCi.
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
- 1993-11-23
榊原 陽一
Sakakibara Yoichi
Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Agriculture And Engineering Univ. Of Miyazaki
Department of Biochemistry and Applied Biosciences, University of Miyazaki
LIU Ming-Cheh
Department of Pharmacology, College of Pharmacy, The University of Toledo
SUIKO Masahito
Department of Biochemistry and Applied Biosciences, University of Miyazaki
Nakajima Hiroo
Tsujigiwa Daigo Clinic 1-19 Daigo Shinmachi-uramachi Fushimi-ku Kyoto 601-1326 Jpn
Liu M‐c
Dep. Of Pharmacology Coll. Of Pharmacy The Univ. Of Toledo
Sakakibara Yoichi
Department Of Biochemistry And Applied Biosciences Faculty Of Agriculture University Of Miyazaki
Nakajima H
Division Of Dental Biomaterials Science Department Of Restorative And Biomaterials Sciences Meikai U
Saeki Y
Department Of Biochemistry The University Of Texas Health Center
Fernando Peter
Department of Biological Resource Sciences, Miyazaki University
Karakawa Atsushi
Department of Biological Resource Sciences, Miyazaki University
Ibuki Hiroshi
Unitika Research and Development Center
Nakajima Hiroshi
Unitika Research and Development Center
Sakakibara Yoichi
Department Of Forest Science And Resources College Of Bioresource Sciences Nihon University
Karakawa Atsushi
Department Of Biological Resource Sciences Miyazaki University
Liu Ming-cheh
Department Of Pharmacology College Of Pharmacy The University Of Toledo
Suiko Masahito
Department of Biochemistry and Applied Biosciences, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Miyazaki
LIU Ming-Cheh
Department of Biochemistry, The University of Texas Health Center at Tyler
SUIKO Masahito
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Miyazaki University
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