cDNA Cloning, Expression, and Characterization of the Human Bifunctional ATP Sulfurylase/Adenosine 5'-Phosphosulfate Kinase Enzyme
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A cDNA encoding the human bifunctional ATP sulfurylase/adenosine 5'-phosphosulfate (APS) kinase was cloned and sequenced. The enzyme contains an APS kinase domain in its N-terminal portion and an ATP sulfurylase domain in its C-terminal portion. Recombinant full-length enzyme and its constituent APS kinase and ATP sulfurylase domains were individually expressed, purified, and shown to have their respective enzymatic activities.
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
- 1998-05-23
水光 正仁
榊原 陽一
Sakakibara Yoichi
Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Agriculture And Engineering Univ. Of Miyazaki
Department of Earth and Space Science, Osaka University
Department of Biochemistry and Applied Biosciences, University of Miyazaki
SUIKO Masahito
Department of Biochemistry and Applied Biosciences, University of Miyazaki
Nakajima Hiroo
Tsujigiwa Daigo Clinic 1-19 Daigo Shinmachi-uramachi Fushimi-ku Kyoto 601-1326 Jpn
Liu M‐c
Dep. Of Pharmacology Coll. Of Pharmacy The Univ. Of Toledo
Yanagisawa Ken
Department Of Biochemistry The University Of Texas Health Center
Yanagisawa K
Department Of Biochemistry Jichi Medical School
Sakakibara Yoichi
Department Of Biochemistry And Applied Biosciences Faculty Of Agriculture University Of Miyazaki
Nakayama Tatsuo
Advanced Hf Device R & D Center R & D Association For Future Electron Devices:nec System Dev
Nakayama Tatsuo
Department Of Biochemistry Miyazaki Medical College
Nakajima H
Department Of Endocrine Breast Surgery Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
TAKAMI Yasunari
Department of Biochemistry, Miyazaki Medical College
Department of Biochemistry, Unitika R & D Center
NATORI Yasuhiro
Research Institute, International Medical Center of Japan
LIU MingCheh
Department of Biochemistry, University of Texas Health Center
Nakajima H
Division Of Dental Biomaterials Science Department Of Restorative And Biomaterials Sciences Meikai U
Saeki Y
Department Of Biochemistry The University Of Texas Health Center
Nakajima Hiroshi
Department Of Biochemistry Central Research Institute Maruha Corporation
Takami Yasunari
Department Of Biochemistry Miyazaki Medical College
Nakayama T
Advanced Hf Device R & D Center R & D Association For Future Electron Devices:nec System Dev
Sakakibara Yoichi
Department Of Forest Science And Resources College Of Bioresource Sciences Nihon University
Natori Y
International Medical Center Of Japan Tokyo
Takayanagi Katsuhiko
Department Of Biochemistry Unitika R & D Center
Nakayama Tatsuo
Department Of Biochemist Y Miyazaki Medical College
Yanagisawa Ken
Department Of Biochemistry Ii Jichi Medical School
Department of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Chiba University Hospital
Suiko Masahito
Department of Biochemistry and Applied Biosciences, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Miyazaki
SUIKO Masahito
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Miyazaki University
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