Positron Annihilation in Nearly Perfect Crystals of Aluminum during Slow Cooling
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Doppler-broadening lineshapes of positron annihilation in nearly perfect crystalsof aluminum were measured as a function of temperature durinag cooling down from650 K to room temperature with various cooling rates, 1.9-27.4 K/h. The lineshapeparamctcr S reflected the existence of excess vacancies depending on the cooling rate,and exhibited a linear ternperature dependence below about 500 K. Its associatedtemperature coefficient was larger than the corresponding quantity for theequilibrium measurements of S in the prevacancy region, and increased with theexcess vacancy concentration. The results, in conjunction wzith the data for thequenched-state below 200 K, suggested that the temperature dependence of S for thevacancy-trapped state of the positron is approximately linear, over the range 100-500K, with a temperature coefficient about twice that found for the free state.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1986-02-15
紀 隆雄
Fujiwara Atsushi
Wireless Laboratories, NTT DoCoMo, Inc.
MIZUNO Kiyoshi
Department of physics,Tokyo Metropolitan University
KINO Takao
Laboratory of Crystal Physics, Faculty of Science, Hiroshima Univ.
Mizuno K
Defence Evaluation And Res. Agency Malvern Worcestershire Gbr
Shiraishi Takeshi
Laboratory Of Crystal Physics Faculty Of Science Hiroshima University
Mizuno K
Department Of Material Science Faculty Of Science And Engineering Shimane University
Mizuno Kaoru
Laboratory Of Crystal Physics Faculty Of Science Hiroshima University
Shiraishi T
Laboratory Of Crystal Physics Faculty Of Science Hiroshima University
Shiraishi T
Department Of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Ritsumeikan University
Hashimoto Eiji
Laboratory Of Crystal Physics Faculty Of Science Hiroshima University
Mizuno Kiyoshi
Faculty Of Integrated Arts And Science Tokushima University
Laboratory of Crystal Physics,Faculty of Science,Hiroshima University
Kino Takao
Laboratory Of Crystal Physics Faculty Of Science Hiroshima Univ.
Fujiwara A
Ntt Docomo Inc. Yokosuka‐shi Jpn
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