A New Low-Temperature Dislocation-Relaxation Peak in Aluminum
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Amplitude-independent internal friction measurement is made on a zone-refinedaluminum single crystal between 2-240 K by a conmposite oscillator method. In thelightly deformed state ( $ 10 '), a new relaxation peak is clearly found at 11 K. The ac-tivation energy of this peak is derived to be about 0.01 eV by assuming the attack fre-quency /.= 10" s ', and if the peak is due to the kink pair formation of the dislocation on the Peierls potential valley, the Peierls stress is estimated to be about NO ' p(q: shear modulus), which does not conflict with the yield stress of low-temperatureplastic deformation measurements.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1989-12-15
小杉 俊男
紀 隆雄
KINO Takao
Laboratory of Crystal Physics, Faculty of Science, Hiroshima Univ.
Laboratory of Crystal Physics,Faculty of Science,Hiroshima University
Kosugi Toshio
Laboratory Of Crystal Physics Faculty Of Science Hiroshima University
Kino Takao
Laboratory Of Crystal Physics Faculty Of Science Hiroshima Univ.
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