The Role of the Effective Mass in the Hot-Electron Magnetophonon Resonance in n-Type Germanium
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We have observed a novel feature in the hot-electron magnetophonon resonance in n-type germanium at pulsed high magnetic fields up to 40 T. In the longitudinal magnetophonon resonance, the resonance peaks appear as either maxima or minima depending on the difference in the effective mass between the initial and final states of the intervalley scattering by phonons. The results are interpreted in terms of the mobility change of conduction electrons at the resonance.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1993-12-15
MIURA Noboru
Institute for Solid State Physics,University of Tokyo
鎌田 憲彦
埼玉大 工
Hamaguchi Chihiro
Department Of Electronic Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Hamaguchi Chihiro
Deparimsnt Of Elecironics Facully Of Engineering Osaka University
Faculty of Engineering, Saitama University
Miura Noboru
Instilute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Futagawa Hideki
Faculty of Engineering, Saitama University
Kamata Norihiko
Faculty of Engineering, Saitama University
Kowata Akira
Faculty of Engineering, Saitama University
Yamada K
Saitama Univ. Saitama Jpn
Futagawa Hideki
Faculty Of Engineering Saitama University
Kowata Akira
Faculty Of Engineering Saitama University
Yamada Koji
Faculty Of Engineering Saitama University
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