Magnetoresistance and Upper Critical Fields of Oriented TlBaCaCuO Thin Films in Pulsed High Magnetic Fields up to 40 T
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The magnetoresistance was measured on oriented thin film TlBaCaCuO samples inpulsed high magnetic fields up to 40 T, by a PSD method at frequencies of 200 kHz,for the two fundamental orientations of the film in the magnetic field. T. was definedat the midpoint of the transition curve. We obtained -dB9/dT=2OT/K andc1B9/dT=0.6T/K, for the magnetic field parallel and perpendicular to the filmplane, respectively, which give a large anisotropy of the upper critical field B.z(T) of33. The estimated coherence lengths are 4.(0)=0.8 A and<:,(0)=28 A.[TlBaCaCu0, oriented thin film, critical fields, n'nagnetoresistance, high magnetic lj fieldsl
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1989-08-15
MIURA Noboru
Institute for Solid State Physics,University of Tokyo
WASA Kiyotaka
Central Research Laboratories, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
Wasa K
Res. Inst. Innovative Technol. Earth Kyoto Jpn
Wasa Kiyotaka
Research Institute Of Innovative Technology For The Earth
Ortenberg Michasl
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Nakao Koichi
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo:(present Address)international Superconductivi
Miura Noboru
Instilute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
STAGUHN Wolfgang
Institute for Solid State Physics,University of Tokyo
HATTA Shin-ichiro
Central Research Laboratories Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.,Ltd.
Central Research Laboratories Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.,Ltd.
Ichikawa Y
Matsushita Electric Ind. Co. Ltd. Kyoto Jpn
Ichikawa Yo
Central Research Laboratories Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.
Hatta Shin-ichiro
Central Research Laboratories Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.
Staguhn Wolfgang
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Hatta Shin-ichiro
Central Research Laboratories Matsushita Electric Industrial
Nakao Koichi
Institute For Solid State Physics University Of Tokyo
Wasa Kiyotaka
Central Research Laboratories Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.
Ichikawa Y
Central Research Laboratories Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.
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