Clinical research on treatment of vertically fractured posterior teeth by intentional replantation using dentin bonding and composite resin
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We evaluated the clinical effects of the replantation of vertically fractured roots using a dentin bonding system and composite resin. Sixty-four vertically fractured posterior teeth were extracted without damage to the alveolar sockets. Root canal treatment was completed outside the mouth immediately and the fractured pieces of the tooth were bonded using Clearfil SE Bond and Clearfil AP-X (Kuraray, Japan). The occlusal surface of the bonded tooth was reduced to avoid occlussal interference. The tooth was then replanted into the socket and full coronal restoration was done two months later. Follow-up examinations were carried out at 6 months, 1 year and 2 years. Sixty of the 64 teeth were sound both clinically and radiographically 2 years after the replantation. We concluded that replantation using a dentin bonding system and composite resin is an effective treatment for vertically fractured posterior teeth.
- 大阪歯科学会の論文
INOUE Masayoshi
Department of Thoracic Surgery, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Operative Dentistry, Osaka Dental University
坂本 博康
Graduate School Of Material Science University Of Hyogo
Yamamoto Kazuyo
Department Of Operative Dentistry Osaka Dental University
Inoue Masataka
Department of Operative Dentistry, Osaka Dental University
Fang Yi
Department Of Anesthesiology Osaka Dental University
Suwa Fumihiko
Department Of Anatomy Osaka Dental University
Bin Wu
Department Of Stomatology Huashan Hospital Fudan University
Inoue Masayoshi
Department Of Operative Dentistry Osaka Dental University
Inoue Masataka
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Osaka University
Inoue Masataka
Osaka Dental Univ. Osaka Jpn
Inoue Masataka
Department Of Operative Dentistry Osaka Dental University
Inoue M
Department Of Physics Kagoshima University
Nakano Hiroki
Department Of Immunology And Medical Zoology Hyogo College Of Medicine
Liying Yu
Department of Stomatology, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University
Beiyun Xu
Department of Stomatology, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University
Qing Chang
Department of Stomatology, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University
Beiyun Xu
Department Of Stomatology Huashan Hospital Fudan University
Liying Yu
Department Of Stomatology Huashan Hospital Fudan University
Suwa Fumihiko
Osaka Dental Univ. Osaka Jpn
坂本 博康
Inoue Masayoshi
Department Of General Thoracic Surgery (l5) Osaka University Graduate School Of Medicine
Qing Chang
Department Of Stomatology Huashan Hospital Fudan University
Inoue Masayoshi
Department Of Agriculture Kyoto Prefectural University
Fang Yi
Department of Anesthesiology, Osaka Dental University
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