Magnetization Process of (S=3/2, S=1) Anisotropic Ferrimagnetic Spin Chain (Field-Induced Phase Transitions and Dynamics in Quantum Spin Systems)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Published for the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics and the Physical Society of Japanの論文
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- Extended String Order Parameter in the (S=1, 1/2) Mixed Spin Chain(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
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- The Trimer State of a (S=1,S=1/2) Ferrimagnetic Spin Chain as the Exact Ground State
- Magnetization Process of (S=3/2, S=1) Anisotropic Ferrimagnetic Spin Chain(Low Dimensional Systems, Field-Induced Phase Transitions and Dynamics in Quantum Spin Systems)
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- 3 前歴の施肥量を異にするオーチャードグラスの追肥に対する生長反応
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- A Plateau in the Magnetization Process of the S=1 Spin Chain
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- 4 夏播きソルゴーの立枯れ貯蔵期間が翌春の再生に及ぼす影響
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- 16 秋の刈取高さがネピアグラスの越冬後の春の再生に及ぼす影響
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- Magnetization Process of (S=3/2, S=1) Anisotropic Ferrimagnetic Spin Chain (Field-Induced Phase Transitions and Dynamics in Quantum Spin Systems)